December Days: Coffee and Favorite Warm Drinks

Dec 13, 2013 17:15

mashimero prompted me to write about coffee, or "what is your favourite hot drink to have on a cold winter day?" I'm a day early, but it's the sort of day to write about things like that on.
This is part of the December Days meme. If you feel like it, you can prompt me too, here.

December Days: Coffee and Favorite Warm Drinks

I rarely pick a favorite anything, but a warm drink I love is chai tea made with soy milk. I like it with or without a rosewater twist. It's just so yummy. I'd been drinking it for years, but it became my go to favorite drink for a while, during NaNoWriMo a few years ago. I'd stay up late, sometimes in the dark, in order to allow everyone to sleep, and write - I think that year it was a story about a mother who gets wished away by her kids, and sent to a magical school for the worst parents - the Hogwarts of correctional facilities. The people she meets there, the secret things going on at night, and eventually getting saved. Never did manage to finish it.

I used to drink it, when possible, in my favorite mug - a heavy, light blue, large mug I'd gotten for GF. She wanted a heavy, thick, large mug that was straight rather than cone-shaped. She had a theory that it kept the liquid warm for longer. I looked for a mug like that for her for years... got her so many mugs that weren't exactly what she was after. My light-blue mug was one of them, and it was fantastic. I loved it. It had a small chip that was part of it's charm. One day, though, IIRC, it broke a bit more. I didn't want to get rid of it, and GF ended up hurting her hand on the edge, and getting a little scar, which I still feel horrible for.

As for coffee, I mostly drink it in one of two situations. The first -just to order something at coffee places, when I need a place to work. I mostly drink decaf, with soy milk and no sweetening. It sometimes works as a treat, when I'm writing particularly hard things, like a favorite toy or having someone hold your hand. Another time I often have coffee is at uni - there's a coffee corner where it's sold for cost, trusting people to just leave the money for it there. It's pretty bad coffee, and it's kinda awesome to manage to actually have all the ingredients there, but they often have soy milk, and it's great to have something warm and comforting during break, particularly when it's hard early morning or late evening classes.

Oh! And those aren't exactly my things, but when we celebrated Christmas I used to make kickass spiced wine and apple cider :)

real life, prompt

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