The ''zone'' passed - but it would be awesome to write something for you, if there is something you want! Not sure it'll be possible for me - but it would be GREAT to do something that would make you happy !
Well, I will always take fic. :) I honestly can't remember your fandoms - i have a terrible memory and don't know most people's, which is sad. Unless they're posting about it literally every time they post.
I really like...happy stuff, and cats, and people being cuddly in public (but not grinding, heh. unless it's a club. and there's guyliner, in which case...of course.) and long hair on people like Sam and Bucky and...soft sweaters and Alice Cooper music and the ocean.
Oh, hell yes. Luff those boys. :D Monster hunt is good, traveling to crazy places to solve weird things, au where they remember that 'other life' sort of, au....apocalypse au..... But happy! Heh. :)
I might could try a prompt.... :D
The ''zone'' passed - but it would be awesome to write something for you, if there is something you want!
Not sure it'll be possible for me - but it would be GREAT to do something that would make you happy !
I really like...happy stuff, and cats, and people being cuddly in public (but not grinding, heh. unless it's a club. and there's guyliner, in which case...of course.) and long hair on people like Sam and Bucky and...soft sweaters and Alice Cooper music and the ocean.
So - if any of that sparks a spark - have fun!
Monster hunt is good, traveling to crazy places to solve weird things, au where they remember that 'other life' sort of, au....apocalypse au.....
But happy! Heh. :)
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