PODFIC by Kalliel, for Return (Sam/Dean gen)

Jul 29, 2015 17:55

You guys. I am so omg so eee. I am so pleased and happy - just hangin out with a huge huge smile like an idiot, I am so so happy with this.

Kalliel recorded podfic for my story Return.

THANK YOU Kalliel!

Title: Return
Author: citrusjava
Reader: kalliel
Genre: gen, m/m, experimental, outsider POV
Characters: OFC, Winchesters
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count/Length: 841 words / 5 minutes
Summary: Outsiders would tell you, sometimes tell her at toll booths or rest stops, that she is fat, and hairy, and old. Some people call her things for that. She has many names.
Link to Podfic: Dropbox

ahh, podfic rec, podfic

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