(no subject)

Mar 08, 2009 21:57

Now I remember why my last series of Annie Rides The Bus died a swift death: because when I got home, I was too tired to sit and type out the events of my day. It started out so well intentioned, and I had an office for a few weeks to work out of, so I was able to type throughout the day since I didn't do anything, so when I got home it was only a matter of hitting "Post" and I was done. Now I not only have to remember the memorable things from the course of the day (or read them from the note I try to make in my phone), but I have to find the energy to sit and type it out. Luckily, tonight I find myself wide awake (thanks, daylight savings!) and staring at a sleeping boyfriend on web cam (thanks, Sharif!) so I have plenty of time to sit down and recap the past few days.

I realized that I never actually explained what I am doing now. Long story short, the guy I worked with at my internship over the summer left the agency he was at and started a new one and saved me a job for when I graduated. My title is Case Manager, meaning that I meet with the clients anywhere from one a week to once a month to help them find jobs or housing or school or court requirements or whatever. I basically do all the non-chemical dependency stuff. Good things about this job: it's paid employment, it's in the field that I think I want to work in, I get free coffee and cappuccinos, the commute is really easy, the building is nice. Bad things about this job: I have to dress up, I have to wear dress shoes, my feet are covered in blisters from wearing dress shoes from dressing up, I don't have my own desk/work space yet (but will in three weeks). All in all, I am really enjoying it so far and am so so so grateful to have a job right now, especially right after graduating.

Over the summer, I was excited to be riding the bus because I envisioned taking buses through the U-District and seeing cute boys and wearing unique outfits so when the cute boys saw me back, they could put I Saw You ads in The Stranger and make my day. In actuality, my bus skimmed an edge of the U-District and it involved a lot more old people than strapping young men. This time around, since I am not on the visual pursuit of cute boys, I am able to open my eyes to all the crazy people my new bus commute is full of. For example, just the other day I was sitting a few seats away from a woman wearing a head scarf, bright red lipstick, and covered her face with a folded paper bag the entire ride. My weekend also started on Thursday with getting hit on by the old drunk riding into downtown. It was 5'o'clock somewhere.

annie rides the bus

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