2014 end of the year fic meme!

Dec 31, 2014 18:18

△▽△end of the year writing meme△▽△

number of fics written: 27
total word count: 120,230
chronological breakdown:


zip up - vixx // n/hyuk, ken/leo, ravi/hongbin (girls!au)
the last night (like this) - vixx // ken/leo
pretty little lady - vixx // n/hyuk, ken/leo, ravi/hongbin (girls!au)


head, shoulders, knees, and- thighs - vixx // n/hyuk, ken/leo, ravi/hongbin (girls!au)
let’s fast forward - vixx // ken/leo


i look best on you - winner // taehyun/seungyoon (model!au)


drop where you stand - school 2013 // heungsoo/namsoon
saccharine - winner // taehyun/seungyoon (model!au)


glimpse and smile - vixx // n/hyuk, ken/leo, ravi/hongbin (girls!au)


don’t fake this - vixx // ravi/hongbin
open up those doors - exo // xiumin/luhan
throw my arms around you - vixx // ken/leo
boundaries look good on you - winner // taehyun/seungyoon (model!au)
fuss, hush; kiss, shut up - vixx // n/leo


trouble - vixx // ken/hyuk
the date - vixx // n/hyuk, ken/leo, ravi/hongbin (girls!au)


been shaken - vixx // ravi/hongbin
pretty - topp dogg // xero/jenissi
breathe a little better - bangtan // rapmon/jimin


concrete - vixx // ken/hyuk
pretentious - vixx // n/leo, ken/hyuk
kicking up dirt - vixx // ken/hyuk
costume doom - vixx // ot6
ave atque vale - vixx // ken/leo, n/hyuk


salt the field - vixx // leo/hyuk
love me when i shine - exo // kai/chanyeol


(don’t) lead me home - vixx // n/ken
don’t tell - vixx // ken/hyuk
any day, anywhere - exo // xiumin + multiple pairings

⭐︎☆in summary

looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?

it was about the same? i wrote a lot more than what i actually finished, and hopefully i can post some of those in 2015.

what pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in january?

bangtan! i never expected i would write fics for them, and i totally didn’t expect for me to write so much of ken/hyuk for vixx.

what's your own favorite story of the year?

it’s a tie between “fuss, hush; kiss, shut up” and “the last night (feeling like this).” those two had a lot of work put into them, and it paid off, i think!

did you take any writing risks this year?

added more sexual aspects.

do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?

post my wips and write every pairing in exo and vixx. other than that, i just want to write fics that i personally really like!

⭐︎☆from my past year of writing, what was...

my best story of this year:

“fuss, hush; kiss, shut up.” i was convinced it wasn’t that great, but then i got a lot of wonderful feedback on it, and i reread it sometimes and am always pretty satisfied with it, while with others i usually pick at it and have a lot of regret.

my most popular story of this year:

umm, i would say it’s my vixx girls au? does that count? i think most people know me by that, and its readers seem to really enjoy it!

the story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:

“drop where you stand.” it’s the one i wrote for school 2013 which doesn’t have a very large ficdom (from what i’ve seen). it’s one of my favorites that i’ve written, though!

the most fun story to write:

vixx girls au. hands down.

the story with the single sexiest moment:

"the last night (feeling like this)." so i've been told? i'm not really sure how sexy the window sex was, but from this year i think that's the sexiest thing i've written.

the most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:

"ave atque vale." i'm still not forgiven by a certain person for what happened to hyuk in that.

the story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:

“don’t fake this.” that story was a roller coaster for me, and i didn’t even want to post it in the end just bc how…rough it was? i’m not sure. but while writing it i came to a few realizations about the characters and would have to go back and revise to make them fit the story, and, yeah, it was messy.

the hardest story to write:

my exchange fic, “ave atque vale.” it was a mortal instruments au, and i was already writing it when i realized that i forgot most of the details that go into that verse. so i was constantly roaming and searching through the shadowhunters’ wiki pages and trying to cross-check all my facts while making sure i wasn’t making any single character too OOC. and also, the story as it is now isn’t pleasing to me; there’s a lot that i feel should have gone into it, and i think i tried to do too much.

the biggest disappointment:

either “ave atque vale” or “don’t fake this.” probably “ave atque vale” just bc it was an exchange fic. my recip liked it so that’s what matters!

the biggest surprise:

“the last night (feeling like this).” i didn’t expect a lot of people to like it since i was new to the vixx ficdom, but it seems like people really have, and that was so shocking

the most unintentionally telling story:

hmm, i'm not really sure about this? maybe the vixx girls au, just because some of the things the characters go through or how they act is pulled from events in real life and those around me.

⭐︎☆favorite opening lines

Wonsik hates finishing. - "been shaken"

Jaehwan stares at floor-to-ceiling windows and only feels a small pinch of jealousy. “How much did you pay for those?” - "the last night (feeling like this)

⭐︎☆favorite closing lines

With the crown on his head, Hakyeon leans in and kisses him for one of the last times. - (don't) lead me home

⭐︎☆5 favorite lines from anywhere

This is how Lu Han, the traveling salesman, moves in with Minseok, the wizard. - "open up those doors"

He’s not sure what happened to Hongbin to make him forget, but Wonsik knows, knows in his soul, that this is the same person that he promised impossible possibilities to. This is his Hongbin. - "been shaken"

“Don’t leave me,” he thinks he hears Taekwoon say. The words stab Jaehwan in the heart, and, when they’re lying tangled together on the bed, a kitten lying behind Jaehwan’s knees, it’s then that Jaehwan lets a tear slip. He’s not sorry for himself but sorry for Taekwoon. The man -- the son, the business man, the boy -- lies in his arms with sleep on his eyes, and Jaehwan hopes his shaking doesn’t disturb whatever dreams he may be having. - "the last night (feeling like this)"

(only 3 quotes because i can't think of any others bah humbug)

⭐︎☆fic writing goals for 2015

post wips, and get my aus under control!

fic meme

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