
Jun 01, 2007 06:53

Over due post. hee hee.
Tagged by jiks. :]

INSTRUCTIONS: A person who gets tagged must write in his or her blog ten weird things or habits or little known facts about himself or herself. He or she should also state this rule clearly. At the end, he or she should tag six other people, except the one who tagged him or her.

1. i don't like crispy fries.

2. i never really liked lord of the rings. Sary.

3. shark movies rock. >;]

4. i am DEATHLY afraid of snakes.

5. i HATED ballet when i was in grade 6. (totoo.)

6. i can do the three "curves" tongue roll and move my ears. :p

7. i love to run. as in running track and field.

8. i was the fattest baby among the four of us (me and my sisters). i weighed 7 point something pounds. >;]

9. when i was about 4 years old, i dreamed of becoming: a police (the guns, hand cuffs, and badges seemed appealing to me. tomboy-ish ako nun eh. HAHA.), a dressmaker (i really don't know why.), and a CARPENTER. YES, I WANTED TO BE A CARPENTER. I think this was when I'd see carpenters painting our neighbor's roof. And i thought, hey, that's fuuuun. ;] So there. Ginusto ko maging karpintero. HAHAHA. XD

10. after college, i am moving to the U.S. Bye.

I shall tag Charmaine, Jhe, Iella, Ate Tei, Ate Kai, aaaand...hmm..angel doesn't blog naman, soooo.. Jem nalang. :]

You Are Very Happy
Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day. And you don't need a quiz to tell you that! You know how to find pleasure in the little things... And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective.
How Happy Are You, Really?
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