Title: Battle Scars
Fandom: Inception
Characters/Pairing: Eames/Phillipa
Rating: Mature/R
Warnings: Some sex. Mentions and implications of violence, abuse, and suicide
Word count: 8552
Summary: Fifteen years after the Fischer job, Eames is living a quiet life far from his old work and colleagues. One day, Phillipa Cobb shows up looking for someone
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Comments 8
I like the way you had Phillipa grow up. Since she was older than James, I think it's logical that the event with her dad affected her more than her brother. I think such an event would definitely scar a child for life - especially since the doubt about whether Cobb really was the reason for Mal's death would have remained so ambiguous throughout her childhood.
I really want to read more stories about an older Phillipa now xP
Yeah, that's pretty much my head-canon for Phillipa. I'm glad it came through in the fic for you.
Glad you enjoyed it and got a chance to read the whole finished product. And thanks again for your help!
Thanks for sharing. :)
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