"Medley" - Watercolor and Gouache on paper - "15 x 11"
I decided to go the opposite way with this next piece from my last one (Rainbow Trout) because I felt my last painting was a little overly fussy. I got some feedback from another professional watercolorist who reminded me of many tricks of the trade I already knew but had forgotten to use. He said "Use a big brush and bigger paper if you can. Bigger paper was out because I've already ripped up my supply into 1/4 sheets so that I can be sure to have enough to complete my challenge.
Another thing he reminded me of was to use a watercolor board. He reccomended masonite but I already had a board I had made in college out of a piece of pine covered in shellac. The waterproof board holds in the moisture of the paper better and helps it dry more evenly. Once I remembered these techniques I went back to an old subject (or non-subject) of mine..the abstract.
It's actually difficult to make good Abstract - Non-Objective art. Usually when I make non-objective paintings I am explorting color relationships and form.
I'm hoping as I get more and more in touch with my creativity again I will make more vivid paintings along this vein.
Medley (c) 2012 Shoshanna Bauer All Rights Reserved.
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