Sep 28, 2008 09:18
1. I hope everyone who went to Coronation had fun. I had family stuff to do around here and had to stay home.
2. I had taken an online survey at work for Tektronix about oscilliscopes. They sent me a $25 gift certificate from Amazon. I bought a book and a CD. The book is on homemade lotions and cosmetics and stuff. The CD? My first Great Big Sea disc. It's all Liam's fault.
3. The kid is doing well in first grade. She is an excellent reader and has a firm grasp on all of the lessons presented to her. There is only one problem, and, it's really not that bad. She rushes through things and her work looks messy. When she works on projects for herself, her drawing, coloring and handwriting is quite good. On her schoolwork? Not so much.
4. We are slowly and surely going through the house and purging stuff. There is a noticable difference and that is making all of the peeps here a lot happier.
5. Is there a minimum number of entries required on a Liam style post?