Supernatural-Ladies Drink Free

Apr 01, 2017 17:46

 Late BMOL guy is late. Dean is not happy.

But Sam is impressed by his We (BMOL) have ALLLL THE OCCULT LORE! SO MUCH!

Sam: [Is a deeply impressed nerd] Cool!! [Turns to his brother to share this bookish joy]
Dean's Face: SO NOT COOL

He's even less happy when Mick(?) wants to tag along on their werewolf hunt, a guy who's inexperience got his whole BMOL team slaughtered by vampires. "You pick up a gun and you put on some flannel and you get good fast or you get dead!" Dean points out. "...What if he gets himself killed?" And we care because? Then you're down one annoying BMOL guy, Deano. But Hunting is how you learn to Hunt, is what Sam figures.

They roll up to a hotel that is waaaaay above the dives where the boys usually stay. It has Suites! ("Separate rooms?" Sam says, with a little anxious meeble in his tone. Dean's face agrees. And if I grew up hunting hungry monsters and assorted bad things that wanted to snack on me/possess me, and  my precious beloved baby brother in particular, I wouldn't want to sleep a wall and closed door away from him, either.) But hey, it has a pool! GET THE BAGS, Dean says. Then steals all the complimentary mints at the front desk. HEE!

Dean gushes the next day:

Dean: I am ruined. These limey sonsabitches ruined me. I even took a swim this morning.
Sam: You bring a swimsuit?
Dean: No
Sam's face: [ERGH]

AND I WAS THERE, WITH my dreams. Alas.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, there's the poor werewolf attack victim. Dean and Sam do the FBI thing, but 'Doctor' Mick barges in. He needs to work on his bedside manner, because while Sam and Dean are with the girl's Mom out in the hallway, he's peeling the bandages off the victim, muttering a loud OOOH NOOOO when he finds a bite mark. Yeah, this kid's a goner.

Oh, and guess who has also been there? Claire Novak, against Jodie's wishes, posing as Fish and Wildlife. Dean calls her later, and I die.

Claire: [Phone rings] Hello, Beatrice Quimby!
Dean: [Yogi Bear impersonation] Oh, thank God, there's a BEAR, it's the size of a freakin TANK! I think it wants my PIKANIK BASKET!
Claire: Hi, Dean.


So there's some stuff with Claire being her usual charming self. ("Your foreign exchange student is totally lame.") And Mick trots off to do 'paperwork'. Yeah right. And then they all eat dinner on Mick's charge card, I assume. While Mick is murdering the victim-turned-werewolf with a jab of silver nitrate. To his credit, he looks properly horrified, having never got his hands dirty like this before, I'm guessing, and departs, bleeding and haunted by the mother's agonized screams of grief. Sam and Dean and Claire are baffled the next day viewing the body. Did she turn? They all look at Mick. "Nooooo...?" says Mick, looking shifty.

More stuff with Claire. She calls Sam an 'old skeezer'. *Smacks her for them* Somewhere Else, Mick and Dean quiz the bartender at the bar where the victim spent her last hours. Skeevy tattooed guy Conner(?) is skeevy and hits on teenage girls. He also hit on Claire when she was there.

Skeevy Guy Conner: Crazy bitch threw a beer at me.
Dean: From what I heard, you earned it.
Skeevy Guy: [Skeeves] What are you, her dad? Girls like that...*skeevy snort*
Dean: [Low deadly mutter] Yeah. YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN, I'LL BREAK YOUR FACE.

Oh and Dean is totally on to Mick. He is NOT HAPPY. There is grabbing of lapels and throwing of shifty Brits. "Things aren't just black and white out here," Dean says. He brings up Magda, and I wonder what he will do to Mick when he finds out BMOL murdered her. There will be punching and probably shooting.

And theres some chat between Sam and Claire, and Claire storms off in a huff, wearing headphones (bad move!) and is attacked by the werewolf and is bitten. Then they're in a hotel, and the boys snarl at Mick, and Dean thinks Claire could learn to live with this, but she would rather be shot. Sam wants to try some BMOL test blood-therapy made with scion werewolf blood. Worked like a charm before, except for killing the test subject. NO says Dean. IT'S MY LIFE, says Claire. WHAT SHE SAID, agrees Sam. Mick babysits Claire, while our heroes go to fetch the werewolf blood. They beat up the bartender, but he's not their guy. OOH NOOO Bartender WEREWOLF GUY knocks out Mick and steals Claire!

So that happened. Dean wants to strangle Mick, but wait! Mick put a tracker on Claire. Which also kind of pisses them off, but whatever. AT THE BARTENDER', PLACE: he tries to force-feed Claire guts! Our heroes arrive! There is a knock-down drag out fight! In the midst of which, Claire wolfs out! Mick shoots werewolf bartender and saves Dean, so I guess it'd be bad form if Dean choked him now. They shoot Claire up with Werewolf blood and she writhes and whimpers and screams and it looks so exceedingly painful that Dean can't stand it and goes outside, presumably to cry where no one can see him. When she finally goes quiet, she still has fangs and her claws don't retract and Sam figures her for a goner and calls for Dean. (So they can cry together?) But wait, no, there they go, she's gonna be fine...except for when she gets back home and Jodie kicks her butt and grounds her from Hunting for the rest of eternity.

Dean and Sam are still mad, but decide to give Mick another chance. (I wouldn't, but that's just me.) "You won't get another one," Dean says pointedly. YEAH, WHAT HE SAID.

On a totally unrelated note, I rewatched this episode on the CW website and kept seeing teasers for FOREVER. Eeeee. A show I really loved and miss terribly. I'm not going to get too excited, because (a) It's probably only a repeat of its brief run, and (2) on some app and I have no phone. But if this show was picked up by the CW I would be soooo happy.

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spn ramblings, forever

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