Jun 14, 2018 17:30
Life continues to go pretty much the same as it usually does. Job hunting is still going nowhere fast, though I am beginning to suspect that, in order to get a job in my field, I will first have to work for six months to a year, for free (or, worse, pay someone to be an intern or a volunteer). Alternatively, a Master's of Science might get me a job doing field research.
Such is the economy these days. I talked to some other zoology grads (well, one other, and she's the only one I really ever talk to), and it's apparently just a fact of life--though I suspect I'd be better off if I'd done an undergraduate research assistantship.
I have been seeing a therapist lately, and I may go back on antidepressants. I'm rather reluctant to do so, but I am having long-term emotional issues, and thinking that they're entirely due to environmental factors (my social isolation and lack of meaningful, self-directed activity), rather than a chemical imbalance in my brain, may be self-delusion. Not that I don't think the environmental factors feed into it. I try to find jobs, and I help my parents with the gardening, but the former is unfulfilling, and the latter is simply me helping another with their project, rather than doing something I have great interest in myself.
Not that I find gardening particularly dull. While helping clear out overgrown beds is a pain, renovating the has been interesting. There's an area in the pond garden that we're going to clear out, and plant ice plant in, and we may also get creeping phlox.
Unfortunately, our food plants are doing poorly this year. The strawberries especially aren't producing much of anything. I think the plants may simply be old, or there might not be enough water.
slice of life