Were the World Hellbent - dvds

Jun 13, 2009 01:05

Watched ‘Hellbent’ [1 & website] and ‘Were the World Mine’ [1] the other night. Started out with the gay slasher film [rated 15], and moved on to the sweet gay romantic musical fairytale [rated 12], can you tell which is which yet? :)

Enjoyed both too which was a nice surprise.

Hellbent is about 4 friends, who just happen to be gay, out for a night on the town. It’s Halloween and there’s a serial killer stalking the streets who likes to lop heads off! It’s a slasher movie so don’t expect any answers about the killer, and don’t get too attached to anyone either, but its fun. One question, why, why, why don’t these people ever take away the killer’s weapon when they manage to smack him one? Why?!

A couple of people with real slasher credentials worked on this movie, one of the produces, I think, from Halloween and someone from Nightmare on Elm Street and the dvd has a special feature, the actors etc. talking about the film.

Were the World Mine is a sweet story about what we’ll do for love and about being more tolerant, based on a short film called ‘Fairies’ and ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by Shakespeare it has a few musical numbers woven into the story which are very nicely done, no jarring or pointless songs, and the lead actor, who plays Timothy, who plays Puck in the school play, is a good singer. It‘s fairly innocent and doesn’t delve too deeply into the consequences of our actions, but it makes a change from all the gloom and doom out there if you’re feeling like something fluffy :)

Nothing wrong with sweet and fluffy! *Ahem* Extras on the dvd include the short film ‘Fairies’, the trailer for the film and trailers for other releases.

I'm getting Urbania next as it was the cheapest on my list of dvds to consider, it looks like some sort of thriller, dark and sad      :(

thriller, romance, horror, gay, dvd

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