I'm really here

Jul 14, 2007 11:10

I knew Reuel was going to be in Memphis for his blues workshop this weekend, so I thought it'd be amusing to give him a call as we drove through. He was apparently too busy to answer the phone, but we weren't too far into Arkansas when he called back. Since we hadn't been around to check e-mail when he sent it out, he offered to give us the news over the phone: Beth and I made one of the teams. We're going to be working our butts off between now (well, when we get back) and the end of September. It's going to be great.

If I wanted to downplay it all, I could point out it looks like everyone who tried out made a team, since Nashville was going to form two teams and the showing was pretty paltry. That doesn't matter, though. What matters is this is going to be great.

performance team, made it, dancing

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