I'd say "exceptionally tired", but tired has become the norm.

May 13, 2005 11:44

Going to bed earlier just makes me susceptible to being woken up by the noises that pervade the flat before my alarm goes off. All I really want is to catch up on sleep, but I have my priorities. I can take a cue from Warren on this one.

I manage to be sensible and dependable and all that good stuff, but it grates. It's not that I want to be the one to fuck up and have others cover for me, but it'd feel nice to know there are others who can take care of things when I'm not around.

Came in this morning, half-dead and looking for a snack, to hear a coworker asking about the possibility of long-distance telecommuting - working from other countries, perhaps. That pricked up my ears a bit. It's not like I haven't considered this sort of thing before, and it's not like I don't know some people who've done it. Just no people who've done it here. Finding a new place to reside without needing to look for work would be okay by me.

Yeah, that would be just fine.
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