(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 07:57

A few minutes ago the new lady came up to me and offered me some dates. She took me a bit by surprize, so I took a peek into the bag of greazy little turds she was holding open, and said no thanks.

I immediately considered how rude that might have been so I added 'I dont really eat in the mornings, it upsets my stomach...' which is partially true, but not a hard and fast rule. It really depends on what I try to eat and whether or not I'm remotely hungry.

The conversation should have ended there, but it didnt. Bleh.

So now, on the rare occasions I do eat some kind of breakfast here (sometimes on Fridays when I have cash I stop for a ham crossanwich @ the BK around the corner... or ham-cro-san as the foreign born woman behind the counter says it)... I have to eat it in secrecy.
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