Since I can't work out any of
maga_dogg's, I'll inflict some on you lot instead:
1. Pick six songs that most people will know.
2. Select lyrics of up to but not surpassing 150 words from each one.
3. Go to
babelfish4. Enter the lyrics thus:
English to German
German to French
French to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
5. Post the resultant gobbledegook and see if people can figure out what the songs are.
- The only ones only know, the way that I believe that this night does not go only right it to know this feeling mine bebé goes there my heart there continues it stops so far was to the part, the only ones however to only know, because I only cry the only one - jackbishop
- It leaves in the vocês peace me made sleep to receive you - me done my love to be overcome and to the perforation a foot of six il ' in embedding my body can me deeply put for low, but I cannot find mine, soft release, therefore it can be you - stopped me in the peace
- It Russian mountains had received it to it precocious warning that together currently received it it cover with muded water mojo a filter, say to it that it is necessary to be it one and one and three to receive, more good-looking ' cause thus to see strong on me came ' - storme
- What it so always arrives, I cause to risk it all, for another penalty, left other Romanze to it and above, to corner each one to know, that we live me we consider that I learn, me we must be hotter me me we will turn now early, I outside sing it of the dawn we now break entour however for the interior in the blackness that I damage to be free
- The mass had its breath and waited that the death would differently illuminate one afternoon gotten dull to desire it has made too much, finally the Killer that we raise it, its blade and its objectivo age necessarily. This moment of the truth, knew suddenly that about one it had flied my levardocumentos.
- In external part, the internal exterior, is in no part a house in external part only leaves me, where I summer has? Of my brain on five the fifteen of my brain on the convoy have broken part
(I'm interpreting "most people" as "most people reading this LJ", ok? At most one correct guess each, please.)