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Apr 08, 2007 17:45

I have such mixed emotions right now. I'm so glad that everything over--the rehearsal schedule had been getting on my nerves...it felt like my entire life had been devoted to the show for the past couple of months. Especially within the last month. I've gotten so many compliments and kind words from other about this show--friends, teachers, family members, heroes, total strangers. I've gotten hugs from strangers, numerous standing ovations, awards, newspaper articles, and a mentor that wants to help me get the script published. All of that makes me happy, obviously. In this really overwhelming way--I've been having trouble processing it all. I STILL don't think it's all quite hit me yet. I don't know if it ever will--it's been WAY too much in such a small amount of time.

Even if I won, no matter what, by having my show performed at ANY festival--the cast didn't. It would've been so great for everyone to move onto New Englands, and I feel so upset that, after all of their relentless, hard work...they don't have a heck of a lot to show for it. Beyond Liz and I, I don't feel our cast got much recognition for all that they've done. That's what makes me sad.

But, meh, que sera, sera. Right?

I saw that Ron was hiring over at Middle Road Market--I think I'll get an application in there ASAP and see about getting a job. It's close enough to walk to, and I can save up some money to buy a junk car.

Paul and I talked about having me direct a spring show--along with another that he'll direct. But he's also got the jr. high show--which is why he wanted some student directing to take place to take the load off of his shoulders a little.  I think he wants to do three Christopher Durang shorts. I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to direct. I think I might do "The Universal Language" by David Ives...but I'm really craving an angsty drama with a small cast (like, 2 or 3 people) with witty dialogue and "The Wall"esque poignancy. But I'm not sure what that'd be. I'd LOVE to do "The Advertisement" but it's two acts long, and the individual dialogue can go on for PAGES...soooo...the actors would probably tar and feather me as soon as they saw how much they'd have to memorize. Besides, some of the stuff isn't exactly school appropriate. On the other end of the spectrum, there's only one thing I'd have to change in "Universal Language" if we did it--it's about this made-up language call Unamunda, and this guy speaks it to this girl, trying to teach it to her. At one point, he decides to give her a *test* and announces, "Schmall testicle!" Soooo...I don't think that'd fly. Which is a shame, because (in the context of the play) it's really funny.

"Trapped" is on channel 15 (or is it 16?) tonight, and tomorrow, and probably after that too.

Also, I'm currently writing a script that Maggie, Emma, Liz and I are going to perform at some point for the entire "Trapped" cast (maybe at the cast party or something.) It's called "Trapped...in a Chasm." And that's all I'll say.

It's nice to able to relax a little bit now. Hooray!
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