Oct 25, 2006 23:51
Still trying to find the meaning of life and reality.
One person states that our existence is a never-ending web of possibilities.
Best answer I've ever heard. Obvious, yes. True--definitely. There was more to it, but that's basically what they said.
A never-ending web of possibilities.
A concept that fits nicely between my own personal philosophies. We can never know, experience, or understand everything. Because "everything" does not really exist. It is an idea that is constantly being added to. Life isn't about understaning. It is about experiencing and learning as much as we can. To uncover every little answer that we find. But there are infinite answers, because there are infinite questions.
I have trouble placing faith in religion--specifically Christianity--because it assumes all answers, presenting life as some word find another person already filled out. But they missed so many words. There are too many words to find entirely. They must've gotten bored, because they circled a few nonsensical words that they probably made up on a lark.
So, what do I believe? I don't know anything for sure--but I *believe* in nature and spirituality. All living organisms are connected somehow. Though we are individual, our spirits are connected. I was thinking about this the other day, and I realized that "soul mates" probably don't exist because I feel it's possible to fall deeply in love with anybody. And I mean anybody. Not that we will--but the potential is always there. We are made of the same fabric; our souls and minds work in similar ways. It seems that, what we want most out of love, is connection and understanding. Someone who "understands" us...when, truly, we can all learn to understand each other if we take the time and effort. My aunt's an astrologer, and even she admits that astrological compatibility is pretty much crap, because it doesn't matter if you're a taurus or a capricorn--we all share things in common. Which is not to say that we're "really all the same inside"...I hate it when people put it that way.
Time does not exist outside of this world. The energy around us is layered into different, infinite dimensions. I say this, because of the glimpses I've observed while conversing and encountering the dead. I have never seen a spirit in Heaven or Hell--I don't believe these places exist as society's collective mind knows them. There is certainly evil to some extent, and, conversely, there is peace and rest on the other side. But you could easily find "sinners" and "saints" resting in the same dimension. Look at earth.
But the most important thing that I believe about our lives, is that we were not put here to suffer. I don't believe life is supposed to be miserable so that you can live a glorious afterlife. Like I mentioned, just from talking with those who have passed on, it seems that we all wind up in the same place, more or less. Life should be enlightening, passionate, expressive, adventurous.
So ends Laura's philosophical ramblings.
And, as a side note: I don't care what you believe, as long as you have an open mind. Disagree with me. That is part of what makes us human. I don't care if you're a Catholic bishop--if you admit you may not be entirely right, that'd be fine. (Fat chance of that happening, though. Of course...who knows? Even if odds are one to a million, there is still a slight chance. INFINITE possibilities, my friends. Completely infinite.)