Mar 13, 2007 23:03
This year continues to rumble along with great momentum. The facts:
--I still haven't had a drink this year. That's right, 2007 has been sans-alcohol so far. It's been a different experience than I expected, in that while it has been *mostly* positive, I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been entirely positive. In other words, I kind of realize why minimal / very moderate drinking might be better than none. That said, I plan on remaining booze-free for the remainder of 2007.
--I just returned from a trip to Napa where I got to put my new Canon XTi through the paces. Check out my Flickr page for some samples.
--It's looking like I'm finally going to become a FTE at Microsoft. I currently have one offer for full-time user researcher position, and I expect to receive another offer tomorrow for the same position in another group. It's extremely flattering and unexpected to have two very good options after several years of professional setbacks. Maybe all those ordeals really did beat the weak and stupid out of me. Either job will be a solid salary bump in addition to finally getting benefits, so I cannot complain!
--Most likely in part to my lack of drinking, my mental health continues to be quite good. Depression is still largely under control and my mind feels sharper than ever. This spring has been very challenging but I have almost always felt up to the task. On the whole, I feel as if I am operating on a higher level and with less variability than any time I can recall. This feels like a great victory for me, because not more than a few years ago, I might have doubted if such a thing was even possible. Admittedly, parts of me are still broken, but I'm feeling more functional than dysfunctional for the first time... ever?
--One major aspect of me that continues to be broken is my outlook on dating and romance. I'm sure that's not a great surprise to those who know me and/or have read this blog for any period of time. I still struggle with why I can't seem to locate anyone who is single and is someone I would like to date... and beyond that, if / why I should even care about this at all. It's difficult for me to even remember what having a significant other feels like. (Keep in mind, I haven't had a "true" girlfriend in a long time - in fact, I started this LJ as a way to work through that breakup... and that was, what, 2003? Sure, have dated a few girls for a few weeks or even a month or two intermittently, but never anything I'd classify as a real relationship.)
--My mom is recovering well. Her last chemo / radiation treatments ended over the holidays and she is getting her strength back a little at a time. Very slowly. I wish she recovered faster, but she's not as young as she once was, and chemo will knock the shit out of anyone. Overall, I'm just glad she's recovering at any rate. Not every kid is so lucky. When one of your parents gets cancer, suddenly you hear all the stories from everyone else who has been though it, and about half of the stories end badly. Glad it seems I'm NOT in that group.
--The nephew is nearly done with driver's ed and is on the verge of his 16th birthday. He has an adorable girlfriend and just set a record in his weightlifting class. Criminy. I see so much of my past in his present state. (Granted, I set the record for speed, not strength.) I see much better things for him, however; at the end of my 15th year all holy hell broke loose in my family and my adorable girlfriend dumped me for good measure. My nephew's family is far stronger and hopefully the girlfriend won't break his young heart. Regardless, he'll always have me to call on if he needs a boost.
--The niece is also a superstar at the ripe old age of 5. Recently, while trying to clean her hands at the dinner table, she delivered the following monologue to nobody in particular: "My napkin is full. Hey, 'My napkin is full' would be a great name for a book. And then the book could be make into a movie. Of course, the movie would be different from the book." She later decided she'd write the book and direct the movie. I am starting to wonder if she and I aren't cut from the same cloth, she's such a little lunatic.
--Much else is going on and I wish I had more time to write about it. I wish I had more time to write, period.
Take care, LJ land.