I make a big deal out of New Year's Eve. It's the only holiday that doesn't pander to a religious or political ideology. It simply states the all-important fact that the world made it around the sun one more time, and if you're sharing a kiss at midnight, you survived too.
I say a similar thing every year, but that makes it no less true: 2006 was a doozy, and I'll be glad to move on.
Let's recap.
At January 1st, 2006 12:01 am - I was a resident of Salt Lake City. I worked for almost minimum wage at a bookstore, trying to keep my head about the water while I worked at getting my company started.
Since then:
My mother has been diagnosed with cancer and endured three rounds of treatment. (Hopefully she will never need more.)
I quit the bookstore and spent several months writing for a feature family studio.
My company in SLC collapsed.
I turned 30.
I moved to Seattle.
I got a job at MS (again) but this time doing something a lot closer to what I wanted to do the first time I worked for MS. My income is significantly higher, which is a fine added benefit.
That's just the, uh, "highlights," obviously. I enjoyed many smaller victories and defeats along the way. I also have witnessed some major turmoil in the lives of those around me... some positive, some negative.
Although 2006 was a wildly uneven ride, with moments that could be described in extremes and superlatives, I feel that it has set up what might be a triumphant 2007.
I have high hopes for next year - but not in the form of major goals. I merely hope to continue doing what I am already doing, making steady improvements in any area of my life that seems to need it. I do not want to move anywhere. I do not want to take on any epic quests. I don't want to make any life-altering decisions, nor do I want to endure any major drama (although that last one isn't entirely up to me).
Steady as she goes in 2007, mate. Hard work and clean-er living for me. That's all I ask for.
Before I can start 2007, I have to finish 2006.
As some of you might know, I have a personal rule for New Years that I adopted in 1997: Never the same city twice for New Year's eve. I decided to do this for a simple reason - to make each New Year's memorable. If you do the same thing every year, it all blends together, and the memories become hazy and indistinct. Since I usually have reason to celebrate the survival of any year, I want remember them.
1997 - Disneyland (CA)
1998 - Spokane, WA
1999 - Boston, MA
2000 - Seattle, WA
2001 - Park City, UT
2002 - Vancouver, BC
2003 - Mt. Shasta, CA
2004 - Baltimore, MD
2005 - Salt Lake City, UT
And now:
2006 - Portland, OR
I'll be randomly visiting an old friend of mine, who I haven't seen since high school. She's always been a fun, interesting girl. (After all, how many girls do *you* know that grew up with lions, tigers, and other mega-felines?) I honestly cannot say what the night will bring- I leave all decisions to her. I even got a hotel room where she suggested:
http://www.jupiterhotel.com/ Looks pretty sweet, methinks. Will post my experiences... so long as they fall in the acceptable range between "boring" and "I plead the fifth."
I all of a fantastic New Year's, and I hope your 2007 starts off perfectly!