Jun 04, 2007 23:34
Tonight I am thankful for: Social networking sites
Without them, I would sit on the internet in boredom, instead of the constant stream of information and entertainment that encompasses me. They make it easier for me to distance myself from the real world and become a recluse when I decide to, which tends to be fairly often. They each have their own positives, and they each have their own negatives. It's very nice to be able to talk to other people about music, and get new ideas of what to listen to, and share what you love with others on Last.FM. It's also very enjoyable to bust heads with stupid kids on Fcebook who think they know everything when they make it evident they don't. It's also very enlightening being able to easily e-mail bands that you adore on MySpace and get responses from them showing them they truly appreciate your adoration of them. And as of very recently, I'm re-discovering the greatness of the blog, which has evaded me since the Golden Days of Xanga. This will hopefully become a daily thing for me, and not for your entertainment, but because I enjoy looking back on these in the future.