"you can get what you want or just get old,"

May 14, 2007 21:14

Ya know what I wish, I wish I could stop time and just get everything done I needed now! Unfreeze places I need unfrozen as I go then freeze them back up when i leave. Compartementalize life by freezing and unfreezing it in accordance to when I get whatever it is I need for it done.

I wish I had a natural supply of caffine running through my system. so i was constantly awake for weeks at a time when needed. Better yet I wish we just choose when we had to sleep. Like I'll sleep here...I wish sleep wasn't manditory to keep sane. I wish our bodies didn't start to automatiucally by science start to shut down at their certain times int he night to tell us to sleep. It really sucks to have to fight that with coffee and monsters and say NO I need to stay up and work damn it!

I wish I knew exactly how to make you happy. How to make you smile again. How to make you the happiest you could be. But any attempt probably would only ruin things. I'll just stand at a distance and hope you are better soon.

In better news school is out in like a week and a half...I am thrilled. This next week and a half is like a all out fun week and week from hell! senior picnic, homosexual nazi scene, last minute senior show, yearbook signings, final essay, existentlism, Roberto Benigni, Working less,
Pirates 3, Last Drama Club Meeting and of course graduation.
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