Mar 07, 2005 08:26
"you are a grown up for real, and being grown up for real means you are getting old, and getting old means you are definitely finally totally going to die." - Sarah Vowell
I got up this morning and listened to an old episode of This American Life and this quote from the lovely and witty Sarah Vowell is what I walked away with.
After that I went outside, smoked a cigarette and attempted to take a picture of the owl that lives in the palm tree next to my porch. I was unsuccessful, but I remembered a very dead milkmen moment that happened on saturday morning:
my neighbor Butch rode by on his bike and stopped to say hello, he asked if either Austin or myself had seen the owl, we both said no and then Austin said "It's like a burrow owl or something.." (he had not had his coffee at this point) and I said "jumping jesus on a pogo stick. everybody knows that a burrow owl lives in a hole in the ground. why the hell do you think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?"