Oh, Livejournal...

Feb 15, 2008 18:14

...how I have so cruelly neglected you! Things are decent enough at the moment; my job's pretty good, although too much of it is sub-Lambeth admin-monkey bollockry for my liking. Still, Scams is a supremely interesting area to work in, and I've been given a few fascinating cases to gather information about- dodgy ticket toutting websites in particular. And yes, I'm still going to gigs at an alarming and wallet-raping rate: already seen Jim Noir, Revere, Morrissey, Stars, Explosions In The Sky, Make Model, Black Kids, Okkervil River, Polysics and Rachel Unthank and the Winterset (who I'd especially recommend to Emma) so far this year. Rich Hall was also great at Watford Palace Theatre.

And yeah, that's pretty much the sad, mildly enjoyable amble that is my life. Hope everyone's OK! :-)
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