Explosions In The Sky, Camden Koko- 1st March 2007

Mar 04, 2007 18:13

Before I went to seem them at the Koko, I’d heard all of one song by Explosions In The Sky. But I’ve oft heard them mentioned in same breath as Hope of the States, 65 Days of Static and Sigur Ros, and that more than piqued my interest. Support came from avant-garde artist Alexander Tucker, who recreated the post-rock ethos with the bare minimum of instrumentation- his voice, a guitar, a bow and a loop pedal. Although a bit long winded, I couldn’t help but be impressed how he managed to make such a textured, hypnotic mass of noise with so few ingredients. But there’s nothing like proper, earth-sundering, apocalyptic crescendos of aural intensity, and EITS gave to us in spades. Very impassioned performers as well; collapsing to their knees whilst performing particularly complex guitar harmonies, leaping about like madmen- the polar opposite to My Latest Novel the night before.  Towards the end some idiot drunk invaded the stage, and during his chase from security ripped out all the wires from the electric guitars; to their creit the band took it all in their stride and even said at the end- “Hey, to whoever’s friend that was- tell him we don’t mind! He was just enjoying himself too much, I guess!”  Unlike many po-faced practitioners of post-rock, they seemed like really down-to-earth guys- they seemed genuinely happy to be playing such a great venue. Shame I was far too tired to fully appreciate it, but I’m really glad I went nonetheless.


Tagged by silvertongue5:

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451; which book do you want to be?
One with a reinforced lead casing.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
I’ve had a crush on a fictional character (i.e. Enid from Ghost World), but that isn’t a book so I don’t think that counts. So no, my life is mercifully bibliophilia-free.

The last book you bought was:
Philip Pullman’s ‘The Tin Princess’. Wasn’t very impressed, way too far-fetched for my liking. ‘The Tiger In The Well’ was infinitely better.

The last book you read:
Gentleman and Players by Joanne Harris- really enjoyed it; especially as it is set in what is basically my old school. The twist is rather delicious as well, didn’t see it coming at all.

What are you currently reading?
Absolutely sod all- I’m a disgrace to libraries staff everywhere! Actually, I haven’t had time to read anything in between all my gigs, but next time I get sent on an errand to Brixton Library I’ll have to get summat out.

Five books you would take to a deserted island:
Small Gods- Terry Pratchett (one of the great satires of the 20th century, in my opinion)

Good Omens- Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (pure joy in literary form)

Catch 22- Joseph Heller (one of the few books to have profoundly affected me. The slide from comic farce to abject tragedy is so gradual that you don’t really notice it until you get to the end. A true classic.)

Lord of the Rings- JRR Tolkien (because, you know, I’d have a lot of fucking time on my hands)

His Dark Materials- Philip Pullman (because if I was trapped on a desert island with only five books, I would like to KILL GOD too.)

Who are you going to pass this meme to?




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