(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 09:09

I'm sorry for my last entry. Sleep is very nice and when I don't get enough of it, then I wind up thinking wierd things. I guess that when I get depressed I think of things that I shouldn't. I was also mad at Jason at the time, I think. I don't remember a lot of the past week.
I'm feeling better health-wise. I've still got the plague, but the kids aren't sick anymore, so I can actually sleep through the night.
Currently I'm sitting in my anatomy lecture, and I know all this already. Maybe later in the class we'll get into things that aren't review for me.
On a side note, I hate when I blow my nose so loud I can't hear the lecture.

Nicky-if you are reading this, I think we will be coming for Spring Break, if you still want us. Break will start March 1. Wow, for the first time I'm in class on my birthday! Yippee. Let us know.
Anyone reading this, I have a new cell number. Email me and I'll give it to you.
Heidi- I know this is making me sound old, or like someone who has had their head stuck in the sand, but here goes. What the hell is Bollywood? I won't ask if it's any good, but give me some recs, okay? Kids may be gone for the weekend at my parents, and I need something to do, other than homework.
Blech, I need to go in hunt of more kleenex.
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