While in the shower today, I was wondering what day of the week May 4th will be. I figured out it was a Friday, which was good, because I don't (usually) work Fridays.
About 2 minutes later, as I was turning off the shower, I could not at all remember what the significance of May 4th was. I knew it was important for some reason, but had no idea why.
I even asked my parents and a friend if they knew why I would care about what day of the week May 4th fell on. It was very confusing! And kind of hilarious that I couldn't remember!
As I crawled into bed tonight, I thought I'd give it one last shot, and so googled "May 4th, 2012".
This is the first link that came up. And it is absolutely the reason I wanted to know whether I had work that day or not. Thank you, internet!