Hello, flist!
This being my last quarter of college, and a rather stressful one despite taking 3 classes instead of the usual 4, I've decided to try this new thing called Not Procrastinating (As Much). So far, it's working out better than I expected. I'm not as freaked out all the time and I'm getting a bit more sleep! \o/
However, this has also meant that I've had to step away from the internet a little bit. There were a couple of days this week where I barely touched my computer (one day I didn't turn my laptop on at all! *GASP*). In order to not die at school, I realized that I would have to either trim my flist rather significantly (which I don't want to do), or decide that it's okay if I have to skip/skim things when I don't have time to be on LJ all day. This will also undoubtedly result in being more lurkery than usual.
So, fair warning: I have 6 more weeks of school, and I'm making a conscious decision to prioritize homework/studying over the internet for that time. Hopefully I can stick with this plan, because I'm fond of not feeling the need to curl up in a tense little ball of stress all the time.
♥ ♥ ♥
Now, things of a fannish nature:
- Johnny Weir
tweeting about meeting Adam Lambert pretty much made my life. Very soon after I started caring about Adam Lambert last year, I very much wanted him to meet Johnny. But I didn't actually think it would happen, or that the internet would get to hear about it! This is why twitter is awesome. :DDD
- I've been very slowly making my way through Farscape since...2006, maybe? I stopped partway through S4 about a year ago, and now I'm starting up again. After a few episodes, I remembered why this show is so great. It's such a wonderful combination of ridiculousness and fun and actual serious thinky goodness. Seeing it so spread out combined with my inability to follow most action-y things means I've forgotten the majority of the plot leading up to now, but that doesn't really matter. I ♥ John Crichton. Also, Chiana is still stupidly attractive.
- Foxy Shazam! Since seeing them last week, I've totally fallen for this band. I wish that I'd familiarized myself with their music a bit more before the show (though I still enjoyed the hell out of it), because it would've been fun to sing along. I've been listening to their newest album a lot and I kind of love it.
- I get to see Russell Brand tomorrow! I feel really lucky, considering he hasn't done a whole lot of US shows and this will be my second time seeing him. Somehow I keep being in the right place at the right time. He was hysterical and charming last time (as expected), so I'm really looking forward to it.