My weekend was pretty damn awesome. Saturday I hung out with
pressdbtwnpages, and we ate vegan food, failed to go to the beach, failed to buy CDs, spent two hours at Denny's and basically had an eight hour conversation made of crack. And now I'm pretty sure I'm going to giggle every time someone mentions necrophilia (which thankfully isn't very often, because wow that is so not an appropriate reaction). Also, I have changed my LJ name to "hard "r"-ed gerard" because...well, it's not going to sound funny at all if I try explain it, so I'll just leave it at that. So yes, it was AWESOME. You wish you had a Kelsey. <3
Today I actually made it to the beach with my school friends, which was also fun-filled. We made a sand castle, and I saved a grasshopper from drowning. Huh, I totally saved a spider this evening, too (while my roommate shrieked a lot). It's been a bug saving sort of day, apparently.
Oh, so tonight I had to go buy a potato at the grocery store (to be explained in a second). It was the only item I was purchasing, which I guess is kinda weird, so cashier woman asked me about it.
Cashier: What are you making?
Me: *pause* Uhh, actually I have this tradition where every year on my birthday I take a picture of myself with a potato.
Cashier: *blinks* Oh...that's cute! *awkward giggle*
-more conversation, where she asked me how old I was turning, etc.-
Cashier: Have fun with your potato!
Hahah. So yeah, that's what I'll be doing tomorrow for my birthday. Or um, today actually! For it is technically my birthday already! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!! In fact, I already got a mix tape v-gift from
wearethestars (I think it might be my first ever v-gift, so it was extra exciting). Thank you SOOO MUCH!!! ♥♥♥
Alright, I should probably go to sleep so I don't look exhausted in my potato pictures. ;)
In conclusion,
here is a video of barnacles having sex:
Click to view
Good night!