Why do I have so many clothes that need packing?

Dec 14, 2007 23:07


2. I'm pretty sure that I'm physically incapable of not leaving packing until the last minute.

3. I just spent about a half hour defrosting my fridge with a hair dryer.

4. Holding ice cubes under warm water is really cool feeling. No pun intended.

5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sandwich_armada!! *throws confetti* Hope you had the loveliest of days!

6. Last night's Supernatural was awesomely awesome. I sometimes need a reminder of how much I love that show. Also, it's been a while since I've read any SPN fic, but I may just be in the mood for some. Got any recs, oh flist of mine? Preferably of the Wincest or J2 variety. (Seriously, I haven't read in that fandom for months - what's been good lately?) WHY do I have so few SPN icons now? (Obviously I know why, but it makes me a bit sad).


You guys, his hairrrr. And smile. And eyes. And everythingelse.

8. Kitty-corner is winning! \o/

9. Okay, back to packing.

birthday, life stuff, pretty pictures, supernatural, gerard way

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