Jan 08, 2008 10:23
A moment of squee for Hootenanny, which apparently carries jeans that fit me perfectly. PERFECTLY. If you're not a chubby girl, then you won't understand.
First gym visit today! And I managed to be healthy at the pub yesterday. I'm going to do the couch-to-5k running program on coolrunning.com. I really really have to stick to this this time - I'm now 30 lbs. past where I want to be and I need to control it NOW.
Watching NH tonight - go Ron Paul!
Got into a "discussion" with 3 of the women in the office about minimum wage and all of this - I don't understand why people can't see sense in what I'm saying - if you want to make more money, do something better. Is that really so difficult to agree with? And I WILL NOT respond positively to these "single mom with 3 kids" stories - unexpected things happen, sure, but much of the time, it's probably someone who couldn't be responsible about sex when they weren't in a solid relationship and really didn't have any money to begin with. One kid - okay. Three? And why are you working 2 minimum wage jobs to support them - if you're spending that much time away anyway, then if you HAD good skills in the first place, you'd have one decent job. Right? I'm not saying I don't feel for anybody, but you need to do your own thinking and money-making. I just don't understand why people can't agree with this a little bit, even if they feel bad about how many people are in the situation. Raising the minimum wage is a temporary fix for the worker that has long-term consequences for staffing levels, consumer prices, and illegal immigration and outsourcing. That's all I'm saying.