Silence of shadows

Mar 10, 2003 04:29

I whisper into the night
silenced tounges of gold and silver
Eyes of the abominations of the day
I whisper into the night

I have written my name in blood for an eternity
I have spoken with the ghosts of ancient times
In my haven, In a maelstrom over energy
I whisper into the night

Protect this soul for it is my legacy
Drink this blood for it is my life
Eat this flesh for it is imortality
And listen as I whisper into the night

With a million eyes I have seen new born worlds
In a stream of never-ending memories I drown every day
I have tasted the essence of life
Just before I whispered into the night

Take my hand, For I am the truth
Kiss my lips, For I am the cure
Slip into my mind and sleep forevermore
And I shall whisper your name into the night.

Someday I will be gone
faded into time and broken into words
A sly smile on a childs lip
as the mother whispers my name in the night

~ Words of Citeroz~
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