(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 17:47

North Weyr(#75RAh)

This is the sanctuary of High Reaches' senior Weyrwoman. It's been decorated in shades of blue and green with the occasional splash of sunny yellow for contrast. As with the Weyrleader's weyr, it's divided into sections according to work, leisure and rest. The desk and scroll-shelves take up a corner of the weyr with the sitting area in the opposite corner, brightened with hand-woven rugs done in a square key pattern. The bed is small but filled with soft quilts and sheeting.
To the right is the archway that leads out onto the ledge occupied by the Weyr's senior gold. It's large enough for her and for a number of slightly smaller visitors. Directly opposite the entrance tunnel is a smaller tunnel hidden behind a thick curtain. The air is warmer around that curtain, hinting at the tunnel's destination.

Citalth rests on her ledge, curled up and with her backside pressed against the stone of the weyr. Cold may not affect dragons terribly, though the gusts of wind aren't exactly pleasant and the gold is huddled in place there. Her tail is wrapped around her, the end of it twitching rapidly. Mirroring the dragon's movements, Sinopa sits at her desk tapping the end of her stylus. The two are roughly in sync - three of Sinopa's taps to one of Citalth's.

Vanya slips into the weyr, pausing to give Citalth a polite nod and a sympathetic smile. "Hello, Citalth," she says, voice soft. "I don't much like the cold either," she commiserates. And then she's knocking softly on the doorway. "Sinopa? It's Vanya. May I come in?" she calls. Her arms have hides in them, notes she's taken from her research, and other work she's been doing for the weyrwoman. "I can come back if you're busy, but I've a few things for you here, amongst them a schedule for a few meetings with people who want to see you." She steps into the weyr, offering a smile, her cloak dusted with a few flakes of snow.

The tapping of Sinopa's stylus slows at the sound of Vanya, falling out of sync with Citalth's restless tail twitching. After scooting her chair back, Sinopa turns and offers a thin smile to her assistant. "You're always more than welcome to come in," she replies, beckoning the healer inside. "Mmm, a meeting schedule? Anyone in particular?" Citalth offers an exhalation in regards to Vanya, the warm dragon breath forming a stream of steam as it meets the cold air.

"Well, there's Hariet, who wants to consult you about a few things," Vanya says, consulting the top hide. "She says we might want to look at stocking some more quilts and blankets. And the wine steward wants to meet with you regarding the current stock of wines. A few other people like that," she says, reading down the list, then looking up. "And, of course, there are the usual people who just want to touch base with you. Here's the schedule," she says, handing it over. "I tried to leave you as much free time in the afternoons as I could." She sets the hide on the desk within easy reach of Sinopa. "And, that's mostly it. The rest of this is what I found in my research about golds rising. Most of the weyrs seem to be on a regular schedule, those who were willing to talk to me, of course. I couldn't get much out of Telgar, to be honest."

Sinopa nods her head as the list is read off - quilts, wines, etc. How... un-exciting, but at least easy to resolve. The schedule is but briefly glanced at, it's the mention of her assistant's research that has the weyrwoman truly interested. "I wouldn't expect them to be of too much help, though I'm sure our own and Fort's records were quite illuminating." After another brief glance at the schedule she looks back to Vanya and offers a much warmer smile, "Thank you. How have you been?" Yes, business is done and it's on to other things.

"Fort was very cooperative, yes, and I was able to find out what I needed there," Vanya confirms. "I've also found quite a bit from our own records here. They're very extensive, and it would seem to indicate we were close to the mark about there being maybe too many golds in one place. I won't call what I found conclusive by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd hazard a guess with so many golds from different timezones, and of different ages all in the same place, well, maybe their timing is getting confusing." That done, she smiles. "I've been all right, Sinopa. Just ... sorting through things and keeping busy." She pauses, then looks down at the hides. "I suppose you should know I heard from Healer Hall." And, noticeable on her shoulder is her Journeyman's knot. It's back after being missing for three months.

More of that nodding at the results of the research. "I've never really liked the Caucus," she admits easily, conversationally almost. "It's even more galling that they're now the source of a considerable problem for High Reaches." The focus is off the golds at the mention of Vanya and the Healer Hall. "Oh! You have? Good news?" Wishful hoping, that, encouraged by the sight of the woman's knot as well.

Vanya's silent a moment. "Good ... and bad." She takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "I've been removed from my posting here at the weyr," she says, words slow and carefully modulated to not sound bitter or upset. "However, they did not take my Journeyman's knot, which means I'm still a healer and can practice." There's a pause. "Nor have they immediately given me another posting. That can mean any number of things, but primarily, it means that I don't receive any income from staying at the weyr." She swallows, then clears her throat. "I can, of course, /volunteer/ to help at the Infirmary, though if my reception there today is any indication, my services are ... not welcomed." She looks down now, and folds her hands over the stack of hides in her lap. "I'm not certain what all my options are, Sinopa. I'm really not sure what to do at this point. They listed several reasons for their decision, none of which I feel is ... fair."

"Oh," the weyrwoman replies simply, blinking at the news. "Oh, Vanya, I'm so /sorry/." There's no prying into their reasons, for clearly there's no 'reasoning' with Healer Hall. "So... they're going to reassign you?" she queries, dark eyes seeking out Vanya's own to gauge the healer's reaction. "What... did you want to do, now?"

Silence for a few minutes. "No, there was no mention of immediate reassignment," Vanya replies. "In fact, it sounded more like they didn't really care if I stayed here or not. So, I'm not certain of anything except that I'm no longer employed here." A pause. "Which poses some difficulties for me, but leaves me with a few options." She looks up. "It will mean that I likely will have to move back to the residents' dorms, though." And now there is dread in her voice. "Since I was told the rooms are only for /posted/ crafters, and I'm not ... posted here anymore."

"Is that typical for them?" Sinopa asks gently, "Not caring about their crafters, I mean. It just seems... strange." After a moment's thought she asks, "How can I help you? Did you need time to stay here and think? A ride back to Healer Hall?" Although there's only two options presented, the way the weyrwoman's voice trails off indicates that there's far more options the goldrider would support.

"I'd like to stay at the weyr, if possible," Vanya says, looking up at Sinopa. "I like it here, and I've come to care about people here." Meaning Sinopa? Perhaps, yes. "It's become more of a home to me than Ruatha." And there's a softness in her face. "Frankly, I'm resourceful. I can think of a few things I can do to make myself useful to the weyr. Maybe not as a healer, but ... the Infirmary isn't the only place I can work. I'm learning dragon healing, and maybe ... I don't know, I've had some people express interest in me teaching them how to do massage therapy. Maybe ... I can figure some way of getting payment for that. Or, working for room and board. Something." A pause. "Oddly enough, R'vain asked me about this very thing the other day."

Sinopa chews lightly on her lower lip as she considers. "I'm sure there's a place for you here, somewhere. You just need some time, hmm?" she asks softly. Then, once more, her gaze drifts to the schedule and the hides. "You should take the evening off," she suggests, "Take some time to think. We could have dinner later, if you'd like?"

Vanya nods. "Thing is, I just don't want to go back to the Hall, nor do I want to stay in the dorms," she admits. "I can't sleep in the dorms, to be honest. Too many people around." She takes another breath. "I'll find something to do, don't worry. I'm resourceful." She offers a smile. "I'm really all right, Sinopa. Really. It hurts, but I've been hurt worse, by far." She smiles. "Dinner would be nice, and I'd like to keep helping you, if you'd want me. Seems to me they can't object to you having an assistant, with all the work that piles up for a weyrwoman. Maybe ...?" She looks almost hopefully at her friend. "If you would like my continued help, that is."

"Of course you can stay on as my assistant," Sinopa replies quickly, "For as long as you like... until something else works out for you." There's nothing else to be said for the fate of the healer, though. "I'll see what I can manage for you in the rooms. Maybe there's.. something else free." Nothing like pulling strings, hm? "In the meantime, you really ought to get some rest..." Or make the rounds and seek comfort from various friends. That's always an option.

The relief on Vanya's face is almost tangible, as if a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. "Thank you," is said softly. "You don't know what that means to me, Sinopa," she adds. "You keep rescuing me from things. I owe you so much. I should have Rappa design you something spectacular for Turn's End." Her eyes fall downwards to her hands a moment. "I'm ashamed to say I was hoping you might be able to help me keep my room. I honestly don't want to go back to the residents' dorm. It's so crowded and ... stuffy. I've gotten used to my privacy, I admit that." She looks back up. "Rest. Yes, I'll be able to rest better now, knowing I can still be of use to you. It means ... a lot, that. And, dinner would be nice, too." She rises, then. "Let me leave these things with you now. Go over them as you will, and if I figure anything else out, I'll let you know."

Sinopa smiles back at Vanya, "It's no trouble at all, you've been a tremendous help to me. I'll speak with Hariet when we have our meeting later and see what can be done." There is, of course, understanding about stuffy rooms and lack of privacy. "If you don't mind, I'll see you later for dinner, then?" After all, the weyrwoman does need to accomplish some amount of work.

"Thank you," Vanya repeats, smiling a little wider now, and nodding. "I'll come by then, and bring a bottle of wine. We can just chat about clothes and men and all that kind of thing." Girl talk. Something that doesn't have to be painful. That's what friends are for, and Sinopa is good for the girl talking. She turns toward the door, then pauses. "Someday I'll think of a way to really repay all your kindness, Sinopa. Your friendship means more to me than you know." And with a nod to Citalth, she slips out of the weyrwoman's weyr as quietly as she entered.

Girl talk is Sinopa's specialty, indeed. "Oh, you don't need to repay my kindness with anything other than friendship," the weyrwoman replies brightly. After all, friends don't keep tallies or rack up debts for just being good friends. "Have a pleasant afternoon and take care of yourself," Sinopa says by means of a farewell. Despite the shift in Sinopa's mood, Citalth's tail continues its restless beat.

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