(no subject)

Nov 22, 2006 22:59

North Weyr(#75RAh)

This is the sanctuary of High Reaches' senior Weyrwoman. It's been decorated in shades of blue and green with the occasional splash of sunny yellow for contrast. As with the Weyrleader's weyr, it's divided into sections according to work, leisure and rest. The desk and scroll-shelves take up a corner of the weyr with the sitting area in the opposite corner, brightened with hand-woven rugs done in a square key pattern. The bed is small but filled with soft quilts and sheeting.
To the right is the archway that leads out onto the ledge occupied by the Weyr's senior gold. It's large enough for her and for a number of slightly smaller visitors. Directly opposite the entrance tunnel is a smaller tunnel hidden behind a thick curtain. The air is warmer around that curtain, hinting at the tunnel's destination.

It's approaching fifteen minutes past the arranged meeting time, and there's been little sign of Sinopa or Citalth. The weyr is empty. Though, it's not long after the fifteen minute mark that Citalth descends onto her ledge. Despite the lateness, it's an easy and gentle landing, though Sinopa's own dismount is a bit quicker and more harried. The goldrider is dressed in lighter clothing, over which a heavier cloak has been tossed, and carries with her a packet of hides, protected from travel and handling in a ledger. "Sorry!" she calls out to the weyr, not yet having a glimpse of the interior to see if Vanya had arrived while she was busy being late.

Vanya waits at the small table in the seating area of Sinopa's weyr, apparently at home there enough to have brought a carafe of juice, which sits on the table with a half-filled glass. Some hides and lists are stacked neatly on the table, as well, and some blank sheets, stylus and ink, obviously ready for any note-taking that may prove needed. When she hears the tell-tale sounds of dragon wings, she rises, facing the entrance when Sinopa and Citalth land. Both get a wide smile when they /do/ enter, and the call is replied to with, "If I were one of my old instructors at the Hall, I'd have to give you demerits," she says back, chuckling.

One can only hope that Sinopa's friend and trusted assistant is capable of making herself comfortable in quarters that she often visits. The goldrider finally finishes getting the straps off Citalth and hangs them on a series of pegs near the ledge, then turns to grin at Vanya. "Demerits it is, then. What happens when I get too many?" the question is asked playfully as she crosses the room to plop onto a seat near the healer. "We got a little... too content at Ista. I got most of my work done, but... fell asleep. I didn't get too much sun, did I?" she queries, tilting her head so that the healer can get a look at both her cheeks, where there is a faint brush of red. Oops. Citalth, freed of straps, launches from the ledge and departs for other parts. Feeding, watching from the spires, or any number of other draconic activities.

Vanya grins. "You get ... oh, I'd have to think of a suitable punishment," the healer says thoughtfully. "At the hall we got to do extra chores." She laughs, but obligingly looks at the weyrwoman's face. "Not too much. You're a little red here," and she touches the tops of her own cheek, "but nothing bad. It'll just make a few people envious of you being in the warmth while we're here suffering frostbite." There's a chuckle after that, as well. "I take it things went well, then?" Vanya asks. "I've been keeping my ears open around the lower caverns, but heard nothing new or exciting. Things are, thankfully, apparently settling back to peaceful productivity." A pause. "Except for the bad 'fall over Balen, I think? People were a bit down about that."

Sinopa gently pokes at her cheeks with her fingers, "Mmm. So long as it's not /too/ obvious what I've been up to." It wouldn't do to give the 'opposition' a leg up or a hint, though there's no telling if Vanya's suggestion to get out some will even work. "Mmm, anyways, what's this about extra chores?" the weyrwoman replies playfully, shaking her head as she opens up her workbook and begins to pull out various hides. "The quiet is good. So is the calm. It's a welcome change." Almost dismissive and superficial, those comments, as she scans the hides in front of her. "Mmm, here's about where I stopped," she notes.

"Well, I've been very careful to explain to anyone who asks what you're doing these days -- not that anyone really /has/ asked, mind you -- that you've been going about on weyr business. That seems to satisfy their curiosity." She takes the hide, scanning it with her eyes. "This looks good. And folks at Ista? How's the ... ambiance toward Reaches?" she asks, still reading over the information. "Any talk of E'sere's escape, or any hint of what's being planned? I've heard zilch, myself." The healer takes up her stylus, jotting some noted onto one of the blank pieces of hide present. When she's done, she carefully sets Sinopa's hide aside, then looks at the Acting Senior. "And, any sign of change in Citalth? The warmth probably did her a lot of good. She's looking well, at least."

Attention shifts from the work in hand to the healer near her and Sinopa listens, acknowledging and approving with a simple nod. "That's good, that. At Ista... mmm, they're polite. I... actually spend little time at the weyr. Or at Fort when I'm actually there. I think it would be... suspicious. Citalth and I seek out ... more secluded areas, so as not to draw attention or raise questions." There's a shake of her head at the mention of the escapees. "No word on them anywhere." Her gaze drifts to the now vacant ledge. "She's become more active, since we started traveling. I think that might do her well. She certainly appreciates being out. Looks forward to it and always asks me when we'll go somewhere next." Work? Ignored.

Vanya nods, expression thoughtful. "And her appetite's good, I note. This is all good, Sinopa." All right, the lack of work isn't necessarily good, but Vanya understands the weyrwoman well enough to know she's the one who is doing that part of the job. "And, as they sometimes say, no news is good news. I have noticed that Roa's been disappearing about one day per seven, usually with J'cor. No idea why or where they go, and I've not wanted to ask too many questions," she muses thoughtfully. "Could be she has the same idea we had, that getting Tialith out of the weyr might help to make her rise." She shrugs. "At any rate, it's not doing Citalth any harm to take her away, and the visits seem to helping both of you. Now, have you given thought to visiting Nabol's new Lord Holder? Or, perhaps, inviting him here to the weyr for a visit? The next tithe from Nabol is coming up, and it occurs to me they may not have enough to meet even the minimum amount. It's going to be a hard winter for them in Nabol."

It's a nice thing that there are those about to help keep Sinopa's head straight and on current matters and concerns. "She has been, hmm. With J'cor even..." she muses, the not-so-subtle hint that there is work to be done going unheeded. "Not surprising," she replies, dismissively, "He does seem to favor her anyways. I'm almost certain he blames me in part for Yevide's death." Yes, that must be why J'cor dislikes Sinopa so much. There can be no other explanation. Heh. "Nabol's new Lord..." she ponders aloud. "There's potential in that, and much to be discussed about the matter of tithes and recovering holds." A glance at the work on the table. "And much to be done here, as well..."

"Yes," Vanya agrees. "I've noticed J'cor's favor seems to be leaning toward Roa, and that bothers me just a little. Not a lot, mind you, but a little. You need to make some in-roads with J'cor, and that's not going to be easy. He's never been, from what I've heard, a particularly jovial, out-going man. Of course, the first time I saw him was when Yevide died, so I can't say I've seen him at anywhere near a normal time." She ponders this for a moment. "Now, with him grounded permanently, he's not going to be easy to sway from where his head is. However, perhaps it might be possible to at least let him know you're handling your job as acting senior. Thing is, it's likely he's handing the more important tasks to a junior, which isn't good."

"There are clearly defined tasks for weyrwomen and weyrleaders. I've seen the work that gets done, and it hardly seems as though J'cor is likely to be meddling in /that/." The work in hand is dropped onto the table with that and she shrugs. "There's not going to be any getting in with J'cor. He and Karth have little control over who will rise next." In other words, J'cor is unimportant and there are other things to be considered. "Yes, Citalth has been looking well, lately. Eating well and moving about a lot more." Getting back to a point raised earlier, so distracted! "Should we get this done?" Sinopa gestures towards the pile of work.

"Yes, we should," Vanya agrees, still thoughtful. "And, you're right. J'cor really isn't part of the equation anymore, and I doubt he holds much sway over the riders." Not anymore, at least. "So, shall we begin? I'm ready to take notes and whatever else you need, Sinopa," the healer says, nodding. "What's first?" She takes up the stylus, draws a blank hide toward her, and is obviously prepared for working now. "First -- all the inventories we've done tally perfectly, with the exception of standard depreciation and the dry-rot we found in the heavy canvas. The Headwoman has ordered more from the supplier, and that should be arriving with the next tithe train."

"No... I've been hearing some rumblings of disapproval. He doesn't lead Fall anymore," Sinopa replies idly, leaning in look at the pile. A hand goes up to run through her hair in faint irritation before she picks up a stylus herself and makes a mark on one of the hides. And so the progress is made in a similar manner - Sinopa distracted, slightly impatient, and at times forgetful. It's a good thing that Vanya's about to help keep it on track, no?

But where Sinopa is impatient, Vanya is steady and thorough, and adds just enough humor to her words to make the work at least amusing at times. They really are a good team, and the healer even manages to keep the mood from getting too serious for too long. "Well, that's the last of it, Sinopa. I hereby pronounce all the lists and ledgers completely updated, and ready to be consigned to the annals of history in the records room." The grin is accompanied by a lift of her glass -- they've progressed from juice to wine, now -- offered in a toast. "There is nothing in weyr stores that hasn't been located, listed and jotted down. Here's to a long, tedious task that is finally over. Cheers." Vanya's grin shows just the faintest hint of dimples in her cheeks. "So. Now what needs to be done?"

At least the end of the work manages to dispell whatever mood the acting senior has gone into at the onset of going over the records. With the healer's 'proclamation' she offers a soft clap and raises her glass to share the toast. "To the end of work... for the evening!" There's at least a small end in sight at the end of work. "For today, I imagine all that needs to be done is sort this and then put it away. After which I intend on taking a long bath and enjoying some wine." With this declaration the weyrwoman sets her wine glass down and then stretches. Nyyaaaawwwn.

"An excellent suggestion, Weyrwoman," Vanya concurs. "Would you like dinner sent up before your bath?" The inquiry comes after Vanya sets her own glass down on the table, and begins to sort the hides, consigning each to a neat pile, ready for delivery to the records room. "That way you can relax a little, and take your time over your bath. No rush to finish before the kitchen closes down. I can send a runner, if you like?" The offer is just something Vanya does for her friend, knowing the living cavern is likely to be filled by now, noisy and not really conducive to relaxing after finishing a long afternoon of work.

"No thanks," Sinopa declines, standing up as she finishes stretching. "I'd like to get out a little and move around. Maybe see a few people. I feel like I eat up here in my weyr all too often. And besides, I should be seen, right?" She winks at that and then scoots the documents, ordered already, into their respective piles to be taken off for sorting. "Thanks for all your help, Vanya."

"Well, that's certainly true," Vanya agrees, grinning back. "And, no worries, Sinopa. I don't mind helping a friend. You've done me so many favors, and helped keep me sane during this leave. It's the least I can do for you," the girl says, and it's quite sincere. "I'd like to see you take your rightful place here, but ... that's really secondary to just having a friend. Besides, who else would keep reminding me to dress nicely? Left on my own, I'd probably be wearing the same dress over and over." Vanya takes up her things, putting them in her ever-present basket, and reaches for the stacks of hides. "I'll drop these off in the records room on my way, and see they're logged in under your name in the ledger there. Then, I think I'll eat dinner and maybe start on the next chapter of the dragon-healing book R'zel loaned me. Interesting stuff, that." She smiles. "You have a good dinner and bath, then get some rest. Same time tomorrow?"

The irritation and distraction, now that work is out of the way, seems to have just melted right out of Sinopa. The goldrider grins at Vanya, giggling slightly even. "You are a great friend. I hope that things work out well for you, as much as I'll miss you when you take up your posting once more. Any, uh, word on that?" she queries, looking hopeful. A good assistant is a poor thing to be lost, but to deny a friend her dream is even worse.

"None. I honestly don't expect to hear anything until either it's over, or --" Vanya pauses, taking a breath, then says, "Or over for good. Either way, the hall isn't prone to playing its hand until it's ready. So, when they figure out what they're going to do, I'll be informed. You'll know when I know, I promise." She doesn't seem quite as upset about it as she was when it first happened. "You may end up with a permanent assistant, or you may end up with a friend who'll help you out in between her other duties. Either way, I don't walk away from people I care about, Sinopa. If you ever need me, I'll be there. I promise."

"I'd rather a friend who's happy and doing what she wants to be doing," Sinopa replies. "I'll keep hoping for you." Aww. "Have a pleasant evening, Vanya, and thank you for all your help... and friendship. I appreciate it."

"Friendship isn't something I take lightly," Vanya says, turning toward the entrance. "My friendship doesn't depend on which queen rises first -- though I'd prefer it to be Citalth, mind you! -- I'll still be your friend. That won't change. Clear skies, Weyrwoman," she says seriously, but there's a playful wink added at the end. "And, thank you for the good wishes and hopes. You know you have mine, as well." And then she's moving out of the entrance, a little bit of a bounce to her steps. Yes, it's been a good day. "Night, Sinopa," is the last thing Sinopa hears as Vanya heads out of the weyr.

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