May 27, 2010 00:54
[SHODAN's City-device module drifts away, the view spinning about the room. It is a very spartan room for a Tony Stark-owned location, a reasonably sized apartment bedroom with a good quality bed and other furniture. Not that she has anything more than her jumpsuit and underwear...all of which are now drifting lazily about the room. The black-haired lump under the covers stirs, the hair drifts up, and she wafts into the air.
She immediately wakes, thrashing about in the covers, trying to sit up but mostly spinning about. The sheets wrap around her, tangling her limbs.]
[She pauses in the air and claps a hand over her mouth, a sickly look overtaking her face.]
Who...shut down...the arti...ficial...gravity?
[The sudden free fall is making her nauseous, and she buries her face in her blanket until the sensation passes. At that point, she pulls herself together, cranes her head about, and finally spots the module. Not even noticing her clothes drifting by, she kicks off a wall and lunges for the gadget, clapping it in one hand and turning the view black. A click later, and the video switches to SHODAN's eye-view. The voice changes to her thought-voice, which sounds like a shattered version of her human voice: a low female tone backed by echoes and overtones that are chilling to hear when unexpected.]
Tell me that this entire city isn't just a station with an artigrav generator at its center. That now our atmosphere is going to evaporate away. I refuse to die because some insect-brained engineer worm let the artigrav break.
[She grabs her clothes out of the air and yanks them on.]
I can try to repair the generator if I know where it is.
[She unlocks the window, shoves it open, and kicks herself out into the air, where she tumbles around and finally grabs hold of a nearby building. For those who recognize it, she's popping out of City Solutions' building.]
[ooc: feel free to find her if you're floating about as well.]
has an apartment,
naked ai?,
this is my creepy voice,
who turned off the gravity