Well, hi there, this is my first post. I'm not really into journal's, never have been. My thoughts are usually to sporadic and random to write down with any sense. But I decided to finally post because of what happened to me yesterday, I just felt like writing about it.
I, um, I sorta fainted last night. I'm not sure why....It's most likely that I haven't been sleeping well lately. It's not that I'm staying up on purpose, I'm not, I just haven't been able fall asleep. It takes me at least an hour or so to fall asleep(if I even do). I usually don't begin to get drowsy until at least 3 a.m. and then I have to wake up at 6 a.m. for school. Sadly this has been going on for about two weeks. So I guess I hit my breaking point last night.
I had been reading out loud for my mom(she's farsighted and refuses to buy reading glasses) and I was standing in the dining room. All I remember was reading and realising I had skipped a sentence, then my vision started fading to black, next thing I know I'm leaning against my mom, a few steps away from where I had been reading from, and she's telling my brother to pull up a chair so I can sit down. To me it felt like at the most five seconds had passed, turns out it had been about two minutes. I don't remember what happened during the two minutes but my mom and brother told me that I had stopped reading and told my mom I felt sick and she asked if I was going to faint and I said yes. I do not remember that happening at all. I don't remember talking or moving or anything. I just remember reading, getting this weird feeling in my throat that then went up to my head. So yeah that sorta prompted me to write about it.