196 icons of Tom Hiddleston in Wallander (S01&2)
3 profile images of Tom Hiddleston circa or in Wallander
Icon table generated by
Chlor's Dreamwidth Icon Table Generator.
(click and they get bigger)
RESOURCES: All images from
Tom Hiddleston Online.
NOTES: Having gotten these caps from a website that only capped Tom, one could get the impression that Wallander is a show about a curly-haired detective who is burdened with being the only person in the department who can answer a phone, use a laptop, or touch things related to cases. However, having actually see a few episodes of the show (only one with Tom, unfortunately), I can say that Wallander is a show about a middle-aged detective who has the most miserable life ever. Good times.
For the majority of these icons, my graphics programme crashed after I'd made about three, and I'd have to ctrl+alt+delete and restart it, and then make three more and repeat. I have now upgraded to a programme that doesn't do this, so expect more icons in the future. Hopefully some The Dark World ones, soonish.
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