And another reason I do like to work alone

Feb 16, 2007 12:08

Aside from the obvious - I can work in my PJ's. Is that I can say out loud how I feel about 'those people'. I repeatedly get inane e-mails from one woman inparticular. In person your ears begin to bleed when you hear her nasal tone. That I appreciate. The fact that I am not there to witness it in person. But I can hear her saying these stupid things in my head. 
Just because I do not reply to all does not mean work is not being done on my part. The sales department needed to get me more information. He did, about an hour ago finally got it to me. 3 minutes ago she says I still haven't received those revisions. Do you think I can get those. When should I expect to receive them. 
I understand she is under a time crunch. But a similar thing happened when she felt I was not doign my job. The file was compelte. I was waiting for an answer from teh Land Department. To tell me if indeed there is an electric pedastal on the left hand side of the lot or if the person could have the house with a driveway Left. Hmm funny. She sends and e-mail to me. within 15 minutes she and her boss get the finished print saying Please contact Land to resolve the pedestal issue as I had not heard back yet. Do contact me so I can revise accordingly. 
That is the closest thing to a bitch slap I could do.  CC her manager.

Are the words Please and Thank You so unused in todays society that it is ok not even to acknowledge a persons name in a greeting or closing. 
I do always try to indicate a person, if it is  group I begin with Hi There, and end with Thanks for your help, or merely a Thank you before my name. 
One of her co-workers has found that his kindness gets things to him a bit quicker than her brash behaviour. Well rudeness. But I am working on expanding my vocabulary. 
When I send him something he replies and says Thanks Citabria. I like that. 
He is a good guy. For his drucken blackouts and all. He is nice to me in the work setting when alcohol is not involved. I think he even said Hi at the holiday party his company had that I went to. 
Hmm . Not sure.

OK well I better get those two things done to shut her the hell up for now. 


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