[OOC: Now that Tim and Cissie live together, you'd think they wouldn't need conversations via IM anymore. You'd be wrong.]
MissCiss28: TIM.
W1ndrBoy003: CISSIE.
MissCiss28: THIS:
MissCiss28: ;)
W1ndrBoy003: Aww.
W1ndrBoy003: Miss me?
MissCiss28: Yeeeeeeeees.
MissCiss28: And if that were entirely accurate, it would say something about shutting down the super computer, but I'll take the next best thing. ;)
W1ndrBoy003: I like my supercomputer.
MissCiss28: ALSO!
MissCiss28: I knooooooooow you do
W1ndrBoy003: Aww. That is cute.
MissCiss28: but I'm loooooonely!
W1ndrBoy003: Of course I do. Silly, wonderful girl.
MissCiss28: <3!
MissCiss28: It's laaaaaate, Tim. I'm going to fall asleeeep soon.
W1ndrBoy003: Don't do that! I'm almost done up here!
MissCiss28: What are you doooooooing?
W1ndrBoy003: I am just setting up my autorun programs.
MissCiss28: Are you suuure you're almost done?
W1ndrBoy003: I prooooooomise.
MissCiss28: So you're coming down sooooooon?
W1ndrBoy003: Yes. As soon as I finish up.
MissCiss28: how much longer is thaaat going to be? ...Am I making it longer by pestering you?
W1ndrBoy003: You're not making it longer.
MissCiss28: Okay, good. Because that would be sad.
W1ndrBoy003: You are truly adorable.
MissCiss28: It's part of my charm.
MissCiss28: Also, I'm bored. ;)
W1ndrBoy003: Oh, my geek heart is going all pitter patter.
MissCiss28: <3
MissCiss28: O:-)
W1ndrBoy003: Ciiissie!
MissCiss28: Tiiiiiiiim!
MissCiss28: I love you?
W1ndrBoy003: I'm geeking out up here, and I'm all by myself!
MissCiss28: That sounds like a serious problem.
MissCiss28: ::whistles::
W1ndrBoy003: That is so cute.
MissCiss28: It is.
W1ndrBoy003: All right, gorgeous, I'm on my way down.
MissCiss28: YAY!!
W1ndrBoy003: The computer can do its thing without me now.
MissCiss28: Weee!
MissCiss28: I love you! <3
W1ndrBoy003: Love you too!
MissCiss28: See you sooooooooooon, handsome!
W1ndrBoy003: Momentarily!
And another night, when it becomes clear who actually is in control of this household:
MissCiss28: Tim. Your cat. Will not surrender my pillow.
W1ndrBoy003: On no?
W1ndrBoy003: *Ph
W1ndrBoy003: *Oh
W1ndrBoy003: (Oh, Cissie, I am tired.)
MissCiss28: So you should come to beeeeeeeeeeeed.
MissCiss28: (And rescue my pillow from your cat.)
W1ndrBoy003: I have thiiiiiiings to do.
MissCiss28: Like whaaaaaaaaat? Can't they waaaaaaait?
W1ndrBoy003: (And my cat is ten pounds. He is easily moved)
MissCiss28: (but he looks so pathetic!!)
MissCiss28: (Also, how many times have you let him have most of your pillow? You have no room to talk, Mister.)
W1ndrBoy003: ...But he's so CUTE. And I don't really need a whole pillow...
MissCiss28: This is my point!! But he's all streeeeeeeeetched out on mine!!
MissCiss28: MINE, did I mention? What is up with that?
W1ndrBoy003: I don't know? Maybe he likes the smell of your hair?
MissCiss28: He's supposed to take over YOUR pillow. :(
W1ndrBoy003: He always used to!
W1ndrBoy003: I think he likes your hair!
MissCiss28: YOU like my hair. ;)
W1ndrBoy003: Of course I like your hair.
MissCiss28: Maybe this is an isolated incident. Because I like my pillow!! With minimal cat hair!
W1ndrBoy003: Aww, is he shedding all over your pillow?
W1ndrBoy003: I can wash your pillowcase
MissCiss28: You would do laundry for me? <3
W1ndrBoy003: I would.
MissCiss28: You DO love me.
W1ndrBoy003: So, so much.
MissCiss28: Are you almost done up there in your Secret Lair?
W1ndrBoy003: ::laughs:: Work in progress. Cissie, I forgot how much work this is.
MissCiss28: Yeah? How's it coming? Are you almost at a stopping point for the night? O:-)
W1ndrBoy003: Geeeeetting there.
W1ndrBoy003: Secret Lairs are hard work. You should come up heeere!
MissCiss28: But I'm all comfy and half-asleep! That would involve moving.
W1ndrBoy003: ...Point.
W1ndrBoy003: And you are very cute when you are comfy and half asleep.
MissCiss28: I'm also pouting at my laptop and your cat and your half of the bed, which is allllll empty.
MissCiss28: Le siiiiiiiiiigh.
W1ndrBoy003: Is Grayson receiving his due skritches?
MissCiss28: He's sleeping on my pillow!!
W1ndrBoy003: He gets quite put out if he feels neglected
MissCiss28: He seems very happy? He's dreaming. His tail is twitching.
W1ndrBoy003: ...Cute.
MissCiss28: It is adorable, yes. You should come and seeee.
W1ndrBoy003: I will! I promise!
W1ndrBoy003: I just have to finish setting some of this equipment up.
MissCiss28: Oooookay
W1ndrBoy003: Tomorrow is Map Day. Oh, Cissie. I have so many maps.
MissCiss28: Yeah?
MissCiss28: Map Day?
MissCiss28: Will you need help with your maps?
W1ndrBoy003: Definitely.
MissCiss28: I can help! What are you doing with your maps?
W1ndrBoy003: I will be hanging them.
MissCiss28: For strategic pinning purposes?
W1ndrBoy003: Bwahahaha. You have caught on to my evil plan!
MissCiss28: I am smart like that. ;)
W1ndrBoy003: Brilliant. Absolutely.
MissCiss28: Your absolutely brilliant girlfriend is getting absolutely exhausted. She is considering stealing your pillow for strategic sleeping purposes.
W1ndrBoy003: Hmm. Your evil and sneaky boyfriend is considering being done for the night. You can always sleep on me.
MissCiss28: I would MUCH prefer that.
W1ndrBoy003: I thought that might appeal to you.
MissCiss28: And it would keep me off your pillow. ;)
W1ndrBoy003: Bwahahaha.
W1ndrBoy003: I'll be right down, sleepy girl.
MissCiss28: yaaaaay! <3
MissCiss28: Can I say that I love that?
W1ndrBoy003: I don't think I'm going to stop being tired of it.
MissCiss28: I like that you are just upstaaaaaaairs.
W1ndrBoy003: I like that too.
MissCiss28: And it only takes two minutes instead of two hours to commute!
W1ndrBoy003: ::laughs:: Yes. See you in a couple minutes, Ciss.
MissCiss28: <3