I see your game, Didio! I see your game.

Oct 29, 2008 17:05

There is an interview with Didio over at Newsarama. Nothing all that interesting there, but there was this about Wendy from Teen Titans:

Wendy actually plays a key role in the DC Universe, believe it or not, following her story in Teen Titans. Her injury, her coma sets off a chain of events throughout the DCU that brings about one of the most startling changes in the DC Universe by the middle of next year. Once you find out who her father is, we start connecting the dots from there.

15) So she’s connected with Blackest Night?

DD: Absolutely not. Our connect the dots will take us from Wendy to Gotham City, which will send everyone reading this off on a completely wrong path, by the way.

I totally predicted this!

I TOLD YOU SHE WAS BATMAN'S NIECE! But did you believe me? Noooooo, of course not! AHA! But I was right!

Wendy is Dr. Hurt's daughter, who in turn is Bruce Wayne's brother Thomas Wayne Jr.

Wendy is going to be the new Black Glove.

You read it here first.

You cannot trick my keen, perceptive mind, Didio. You just can't.

dc, teen titans, batman

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