(no subject)

May 16, 2007 15:45

I took Cassie for a walk earlier - it's rather nice out. (She's finally gotten used to me being a bloke but I think she prefers Sirius as far as blokes go. What is wrong with my child?!)

It was ridiculous the amount of women that had the audacity to hit on me. Yes, I'm attractive, even as a bloke. I know this. I am a Black - it is a given that we are and always will be attractive. Are women really this forward these days? I know I managed to miss out on a lot of years from the whole broken time turner thing, but bloody hell! Bloody Hell. If I saw a bloke pushing a Pram I wouldn't be overwhelmed with the desire to make a move on said bloke. No, I would have the decency to thing that said bloke PROBABLY is spoken for, as he DOES have a newborn child in a pram, and....

Oh bloody hell. If ONE more woman tries to hit on me, I will.... hex them or something. I don't fancy birds. I fancy blokes. I AM a bird who fancies blokes.

Cassie sneazed earlier and her bassinet levitated a bit off the ground. Not much, but slightly, her fits of giggles after was rather adorable.
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