Hey folks! You know that silly writing contest thingy I did a few times over? It's back! Actually, I know most of you do know it, because I've already seen a lot of you signing up, or contemplating signing up. I hope you will!
It's a great community of people, and I've met some wonderful lifelong friends through the competition. You can get feedback from a wide variety of people, and it's great for boosting your confidence and establishing some good writing habits. It's a lot of pressure, and if pressure is what you need or want to give your writing a kick, this is definitely the thing to do - even concurrently with NaNo, yes. I really do think it's an awesome blend of friendly competition and low-stakes pressure, combined with some interesting prompts and a good mix of people and writing styles. Reading everyone else's perspectives on the prompts is in and of itself valuable. Try it out. You might like it. :)
I'm not actually going to play this time - but I will be cheerleading and reading and voting and generally being supportive of those who do!
Signups are here.