Mars and me (also, you)

Sep 04, 2015 13:56

There's something about space exploration, about pushing past the borders of atmosphere and the grip of gravity and getting beyond. It hits me right in the emotional centers, every time. This is part of why I write science fiction, and a huge part of why I read it. It's also why I teared up a little today, about a webform.

NASA is doing this really amazing and clever thing where you can send your name to Mars. Yes, you. Right here. It's just a webform, and then they'll review the names, and put them all on a microchip, and send it to another planet.

So. Yeah. Goofy grinning and moist eyes. No apologies there, even if it is about a webform.

Of course, it's not really about a webform. It's about technology making the story of exploration personal. It's about how amazing the future is, and how great it is that this kind of thing is happening. It's about possibilities and wonder. Some things are worth getting a little teary about.

Go sign up. Getting teary (or starry) eyed is not necessary, but I recommend it anyway.

Posted hither and yon, Dreamwidth and Livejournal.
comments over thataway. Speak to me there or here, if you're inclined.

my name is going to mars, spaaaaaaaaace

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