Feb 11, 2009 18:14
That title is, unfortunately, not an exaggeration. That is exactly where I was last night at about midnight local time. My toilet overflowed badly and filled up part of my bedroom (and all my bathroom) with vast amounts of toilet water. Mopping got about 2 14 gallon buckets worth of water out, but it was still badly soaked. As I type this it is now drying from the water service folks that the apartment complex provided to dry out the carpeting and tile. We'll see in the next day or two whether any of the trim on the wall or the carpet itself needs true replacing.
There's been a damp, musty smell to the apartment all day that's just now starting to lessen.
So, hours mopping last night, hours moving furniture today to allow for a thorough drying, and combined with not enough sleep last night and I'm thoroughly and utterly exhausted. I can barely stand right now.
The toilet has also been repaired. It apparently had a broken mechanism inside.
Today and yesterday have thoroughly and utterly sucked.
real life