I did my stroll! *pat back*

Nov 13, 2008 13:00

Wow, it is really hot in here and I only used the fire-place twice today! Btw Tyra will have a fit when she sees her room when she gets back. Her bed is tilted on its side, as her grandfather has put up an air-thingy on that wall. :) Perhaps not a fit, but she'll be upset that everything isn't as it should. Cutie-pie!

Went for my stroll as a good girl. Wasn't hilariously fun, but acceptable and the weather was brilliant. I like the outdoors, but I'm not a stroll person. Came up with the current bad conscience subject during my stroll: which is the fact that Tyra rarely is outside in our garden to play. Or outside together with us at all. :( That has probably to do with the fact that when she gets home during mon-friday it is nearly dark. It isn't fun going out then and dinner has to be made etc. At least they are outside a lot on förskolan.

I'm working on my method right now. Tricky things! Blah! Need tea! :D Which one to choose...? Hm.... Always the tricky question, and even though I desperatly work on it, I've got a large amount to choose from.

And I think Anders has ordered (I nearly wrote Blair Witch Project now, but that wasn't what I meant. I always mess up this title!) the Wrath of the Lich King, for one account(?). I haven't opened it yet, as it is adressed to him.

family - parenting, school - c-essay, school, exercise - stroll, family - tyra, tea

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