A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
I was tagged by
maihgread 1) What is essential for your happiness?
Having everything that I need to do structured. Tea is also very essential!
2) What are you wearing at the moment?
My jeans, a white tanktop and a grey cardigan.
3) What is your spirit animal?
I'm not sure. According to this
test it is a spider, but I'm not sure. I think more of some sort of cat animal, although I've always loved wolves, or perhaps a hawk. Really, I have no idea, but I'd love to know! Can anyone tell me?
4) What is your favorite scent?
The scent of warm strawberries a summer day.
5) What video games are you playing at the moment?
Right now, none actually. I used to play WoW, but I guess my new game will eventually be Warhammer Online.
6) What do you drink the most?
Water and tea.
7) What color is your car?
Silver metallic. Saab rules!
8) Who was your first big crush?
Well, that'd ought to be Oscar in third grade I think. :)
9) What did you want to be when you grew up?
A princess I think, and a journalist.
10) What mythical figure are you?
A unicorn
11) What characters are overrated?
Ehum, probably Captain America.
12) What 3 people do you invite to dinner?
AnnaMia, Anna and Jenny
13) What is your current desktop?
Just the regular blue, since I've recently reinstalled the whole computer.
14) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A very nice friend.
15) What are you afraid of?
Loosing my family.
16) What's your favorite article of clothing?
My new knitted dress
17) What are you into right nows?
School, reading literature for school. :S
18) What did you do today?
Study, cleaned out the garage, played with Tyra.
19) What do you want?
To be finished with my studies.
20) What should you be doing right now?
I have nothing right now that I should be doing instead of this.
21) What's the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
My username Cirynne is the first roleplaying character I created. I don't really associate very much with her now as I've developed so much myself, but I still love the name and I think I'm more her now then ever. Other nicks are Nettan - old nickname, shortening of my name Jeanette, Eld - which is my WoW character and nickname in the
Conclave (means Fire) and mamma - as I am a mother.