The nature of teh interwebs

Jul 04, 2006 19:19

So I came back from my week-plus-a-couple-days vacation to find about 30 emails waiting for me, plus all the crap that had accumulated on my lj friendslist and the four "rpg days" that had passed on my rpg.

And then I went through all of it and realized, even though all this stuff that had happened, nothing had happened.

Not to say I don't love you all with your fanfic and your icon-making and your random, often sudo-emo updates. 'Cause I do.

Look for a real update sometime soon, with stuff about the vacation (glorious!) and my job (not so bad either).


In other news, this has turned out to be a great summer for reading a lot. Over my vacation I finished The Princess Bride which was brilliant, and read all of Stephen King's The Dark Tower; The Gunslinger which was... honestly, I have no idea what it was, but I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up the next one eventually. In the meantime I have the next two books in Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth series to look forward to. Long books those. *beams*
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