The day that I wondered about sex

Jan 14, 2005 19:34

I woke up today at 10 having realised that I did sleep through my alarm. I went downstairs and had some breakfast and asked dad to drive me into school. While eating breakfast I felt a little guilty that I had overslept so couldn’t go in early and revise. I went upstairs and saw a missed call from Lizi who asked me if I wanted a lift into school. I said yes because she was on the way. Once I said yes I realised that I had to get changed and shower at lightening speed. I was just pulling my t-shirt on when the door bell went. I invited her in so she could change out of her physio clothes and she seemed to be fascinated by my room.

Once she changed I grabbed my bag and go into her car. We got to school at the start of break and saw Lucie Whitney doing some weird parking thing. Which reminds me someone said to me that they think Jackie from CBB is what Lucie will look like when she’s old. I told my new cunning plan to the other people involved, the reason I cant say what the plan was is because someone may read LJ and work out that it was me.

I can see it.

Once break was over we went to geography and along the way Lizi told me about a dream she had involving someone in our year. We arrived and Baps sent us off to do a bit of computer work. Me and Lisa seemed to be the only ones using the internet for work because the rest of the class were playing games on mousebreaker. Brandon seemed to find the game of conkers bizarre and when I said it was a real game he looked shocked. I asked him what games he used to play and he explained to me the game called ‘open gates’. Lizi then came in and I mentioned her new secret admirer and teased her about it. Most of the class were like who is it Lizi. She said I could tell people so I did but the second I said Lippy I realised Brandon was there and is mates with him. Jess then mentioned him, I wanted to tell her what Brandon and Lippy said about her once but each time I tried Brandon turned round and was like why do you keep going quiet. I finally had to move across the room and tell her. Jess and everyone then started shouting loudly “God damn Jack put the gun down” and I turned to Lizi and said do the know someone is in here (meaning a teacher) but when I said the word someone the teacher shouted “can we keep the noise down”.

It got to the end of the lesson and I went to meet Heaney in 6th form with some gossip to tell me. She told me something she was speculating about Gareth Ingle and then I told her some stuff I knew. We somehow got talking again about how people can contract HIV and other STIs. If someone can explain to me clearly how a woman with HIV can pass it onto the man, or how during gay sex the person ‘receiving’ can pass it onto the ‘giver’ if you can explain this then PLEASE post a comment because it’s not just me who doesn’t know. We also talked about Thwatties who is really rude to Ralph and Heaney told me a story about how rude she was to Lara earlier. I have to say she is really quiet rude a lot of the time and just wont let the whole Ralph thing go.

Lunch arrived and the plan was carried out which was very funny. We also were doing our impressions of Brigitte Neilsen which were seen by not just the common room but also the invigilators and Mr Rattu. I also went to see Pimms a couple of times and bought the charity CD I was not going to buy it out of protest because Fergus is on it but then thought it’s a good cause.

I then had to go to Comms which I thought would be cancelled but no she arrived. The lesson was pretty uneventful other than finding out that the boy Kayleigh may be going out with is on £3,500 a month that’s £42,000 a year. More than my whole family put together earn. During the little break we got I talked to Heaney and then went back. After the lesson I bumped into Heaney and Lizzie J who were talking about Thwaties again and how she’s a bit of a bitch. I spent the bus ride home listening to the CD and have to say it honestly sounds really professional and also why during "Save tonight" does someone else start singing over Mark? Who is it and also they are not as good as Mark. For like the 5th night in a row my sister has been telling me stuff about Marie that makes me honestly think she is an evil cow.

While looking for pictures I feel the need to say that there are masses of Brigitte Nielsen's boobs. Here is my tribute to Brig

She has got a very good figure

She has aged though.

From a movie she was in.
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