Dark clouds hang over the top of Bukit Puchong, reflecting the present mood of this writer... Looming over menacingly, they bring a heavy gloomy feeling along with a threat to pour. Yet, behind those clouds are hope. Hope of a bright sunny day after days of pouring.
Yeah.. Pouring literally. That's pretty reflective of how my exams are progressing at the moment. Memorise, memorise, pour, pour. Though puke would be a better word. What the heck.. Okay.. so today's paper was pretty shitty.. ARGH.. Hence the dark clouds.. Even the weather is reflecting my mood. HAHA..
On the contrary, I actually love the cool weather now. And rain is a welcome when you're home in bed trying to sleep off the effects of a lousy day of exams. ZzZzZzzz...
On a happier note.. FINALLY! I only have one more paper to go on Wednesday.. Then.... A beautiful sunny time ahead awaits! Yay! ^_^
Okay.. So this was pure crappy rantage. Sorry friends.. *shrug*
A YooSu pic.. Purely for me..