Jan 17, 2006 13:19
Well, this is going to be a short update, because I have class in a little while, but I feel like I should.
Anyway, I'm all moved in now, and I really, really love it here. Like, a lot. It's so cool. I made friends almost as soon as I got here, and have a nice little group of people to do things with. I mean, of course, I don't know them all that well yet, but they're all cool people, and we get along well.
My last few days have just been amazing, though. I'm so happy. There has really been nothing of note to bring me down. I woke up yesterday to a fresh coat of snow, which was really cool. My roommates are really good guys - one of them's never here, 'cause he's got one of those insane majors like bio or something and so he's always off studying, and the other's a Musical Theater major, and he's just a really cool, laid back guy. We get along well.
My classes look pretty awesome (well, so far. I've only gone to 3 of the 5. The other 2 are later today.) with one exception...but I can drop that, so hah! I'll try to find something to replace it, but if I can't, c'est la vie. So far, I've gone to my Critical Practice class (which turns out to be a literature analysis class. I'm sorry, but there's a distinct line. And I draw it at having to sit and ANALYZE Hemingway. No. Just no.), and that's the one I'm gonna drop. The other two I've been to, however - my Interpersonal Communication class and my Intro to Theater class both seem really cool. Interpersonal Communication just looks cool, and I have a couple of friends in there with me. The Theater one seems like it'll be just plain fun. Reading/watching plays, learning about the things that go into playwriting, it just seems very, very cool. It might be a little reading-heavy, but it's something I'm interested in, so I'm perfectly okay with that.
My other two, which I haven't been to yet, are a Bio class and an American Lit class. The Bio class shouldn't be any big deal - it's just your basic bio for non-majors course, and hell, I was always good at Bio, so that should be a cinch. American Lit could go either way, but I looked at the book list, and they didn't seem that bad. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest is one of them, and I THINK that was a book that Jen was always trying to get me to read. I...think.
I didn't have all that much choice in my courses this semester, though - so I'm really happy with how things did turn out. Being a transfer, I was right, I did wind up picking classes after EVERYBODY else, so it basically wound up being my advisor going "Well....here's what still has seats," but it turned out pretty well, I think.
I have friends, my roommates are cool, and my classes are shaping up to be pretty awesome. I love it here.
I do miss you guys, though. I'll see you all spring break, eh?
Greg, Over and Out.